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Some of the guards had decided to give me plants. They felt bad that I still didn't know why I was arrested, so they tried to make it more comfortable. Plus, they knew that my grief was from renewed pain from my daughter passing away, so they wanted to comfort me a little extra.

I have Orchids, Malva, Oxalis pes-caprae, hyssop, and Violets. The Malva is my favorite so far. 

They always made sure I had plenty of water to care for them and a light made to help them grow and stay healthy. I kept the water on one side of the shelf and the lamp on the opposite side, as to not cause an electrical fire or something.

My journal sat on a shelf above the flowers and I had random artifacts from trips with River so far. I had a ripped red material from the not-so-end of the universe, my journal, and a shell from our most recent adventure to an Earth Beach. The beach had been nice, the kraken was not.

Luckily, it was all a misunderstanding. Melody had let me go in the ocean when a little squishy thing poked me. I looked at it and thought it was adorable. So, like any logical emotion driven race, I wanted to hug it.

The squishy thing was the Kraken's baby, and the mother had thought I wanted to take the baby away from it.

I understood why it had acted that way, I would've done the same at one point.

In the end, the Kraken allowed us to visit it and the baby as long as Melody's gun stayed at home. She had accepted the offer, and we were gonna go and visit them again.

Today actually.

Melody gripped my hand and we headed over to the Beach. Well, we were supposed to be.

We were on a beach, just not the Kraken's beach.

There was a small dam nearby and a blue Fish wearing a bowl hat. "Hello."

Melody hesitated, assessing the situation, while I smiled, "Hello." I could tell he was a kind fish person.

The fish waddled over to us, "I am Jim the Fish. You are?"

"Ophelia Wildes, and this is River Song." I use her chosen name rather than nickname.

Melody smiled, "Hello." She then leaned over and whispered to me, "Why did you say our last names?"

"The Fish is classified as his last name. It could be seen as his species but, it counts as his last name too. I introduced is the same that he introduced himself." I explained, though I could tell she knew this already.

She looked at the beach and the dam, "Lovely home you have here Jim."

"Thank you. I worked very hard to keep it this way."

"What do you mean?" Once it was built, it should be sturdy enough to stay standing.

He looked down, not wanting to explain. I didn't push him... Melody did.

"Jim, who is messing with your house?"

He pulled down his bowl hat, "The men."

"Which men?"

"The Cybermen." At that, Melody and I glanced at each other.

"This is gonna be fun!"


Melody used the Vortex Manipulator to get back to Stormhold and get her gun. While she was gone, the wind shrieked an unnatural sound and a blue box materialized.

The Doctor popped out of the box, "Oh! Nice to see you Ophelia."

"You're alive?"

"Yes! I love it when I do that... Which time are you talking about?" That's right, Melody said that their timelines were mixed up.

"Um, the Pandorica?" I hope that wasn't a spoiler.

His eyes lit up with recognition, so I knew it wasn't, "Yes, that was a fun day."

But... You died? I am confused.

Melody finally arrived, "Sorry I'm late."

I turned to her, "But he died!"

"Then he didn't. Isn't that great!"

The last of the Time Lords knew Death like an old friend, he came and went to say hello but never stayed for long.

Stories had spread through the universe. Daleks felt only fear and anger in his presence, Sontarans honored him, and armies couldn't hold him back.

He had destroyed worlds when he was young, and for a while he did nothing but save them... But that wouldn't last.

Colonel Runaway knew that, so did the Silence. And that is why they hoped to end him.

"Lia. Are you alright?" I looked to the Doctor. Lia, Ginger had called me that.

I smiled, "I am fine. Now, least stop the Cybermen."

Melody smirked, "Right then. We'll split up, Lia stay with Jim. Doctor, head south, and I will head East."

We all nodded and they began to walk off. I turned to Jim, "Have you ever had tea?"


"Then, there was this time when Dave the Fish had tried to rebuild the dam, the Cybermen scared him away too." I patted Jim's 'shoulder'.

"I am sure that River and the Doctor will rid of them for you." I poured another cup of tea and sat it down on the table.

Before Jim could pick it up, I grabbed him by the fin and dragged him out of the dam.

"What is going on?!"

I covered him and tucked my head inward, "Incoming!"

Then something, or rather someone, impacted the dam.


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