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I watched as another bud blossomed. This one was a magenta while others were more pink. It was different, I love it.

River had gone off on a solo adventure this time, leaving me to tend to my growing plant collection.

I look out side of my window and see some of the stars winking. Due to the lack of light outside of the prison, they shined brighter than they would any other place.

I heard a zap of River returning, "Which one did you go to?"

"One that wont be shining anymore."

"Should I be concerned?"

I could tell by the rustling that she was shaking her head, "It wasnt a good place. Everyone was either bad or dead."

That was depressing. I looked to my flower blossoms, "That's the sad thing about life. You are blessed with choices and normally the bad ones are the easiest."

She quit moving so I turned to face her and saw that men in army suits were standing there. "Father Octavian. Are you River Song and Ophelia Wildes?"

I was getting a headache, something about them was wrong. I dont understand, I haven't felt this since the Pandorica.

"Whats it mean to you?" My tone came off harsh.

"In exchange for assistance, we will shorten your sentence."

River perked up, "What's the task?"

"A ship crashed. Something is alive in it, a Weeping Angel."

Don't blink. They could swallow your timeline faster than you can.

The clan leaders would warn us of them. Said they would give off an energy so strong that you could sense them. The pain in your head was never worth the warning though.

I shook my head, "I can't. The pain, I can't."

Father Octavian looked to me, "We need an army."

"No." River shook her head, "You need the eqivilent of one."


I don't know how I ended up on this ship. The stares were making me uncomfortable though. My colors made them uncomfortable, so I changed them. I turned into a female with brown hair and tanned skin.

River looked right through me, "Ophelia?"

I smiled.

She looked to me and her face twisted, "You don't have to do that you know. You don't even have to be here."

She was in a long black dress and red heels. "And you dont have to be dressed like that. We both have our preferences."

I could practically sense the dirty thought. "And what is your preference?"

"A t-shirt and jeans."

She shook her head, "My outfit is easier to take off."

I blushed.

River laughed, "Later Sweetie." And she zapped away.

She was on the ship with the Weeping Angel.

About an hour later, almost everyone else was gone too.

"You sense anything Ms. Wildes?"

"Trouble." My head was aching. More then if there was just one Angel, "How many Angels were on the ship?"

"None. Just the stone devil."

"Just the one?"

He nodded, "As far as we are aware. Do you sense more?"

"Maybe. Give them a heads up."

He turned to the comms. "Sargent Manton here. Anyone on the comms?"

Static was the only awnser. I dont think they heard.

I ran over to Many on, "Teleport me there. I can relay the message. Help them out."

"You're the one that said you could get sick!"

"Its better then them dying!" I shout back.

He nods and goes to the controls to send me down, "Close your eyes and focus on the planet below. Teleporting is always difficult with a busy mind."

I nod and focus on the gravity of the planet below us. And the gravity of the situation.

I feel sick as the teleport spins me to my destination.

When I steady, I am on a rock planet. A blue box nearby, the Tardis.

That means the Doctor is here as River planned.

That means both he and his companion are in danger.

I decided to follow the large bang that I heard.

I rushed and was there in time to hear the last person jump off the ladder.

Instead of following, I went to the strange pod. I know I should be warning them, but something told me not to.

I looked in the pod and saw a tv. I turned it one and saw an angel.

My head felt as if it were about to explode.

I kept staring at the video. 4 seconds then repeat. The angel didn't move.

Until I blinked.

"Interesting." I walked around the hologram form, "Very Interesting. I would love to be able to talk to you, I feel that it would be very educational."

It didn't move again so when the video skipped I turned off the screen.

I went over to the table outside the pod and saw loads of supplies. No people standing guard up here? Strange.


He radioed back, "Did you find them?"

"Can't its too dark." I fibbed. I can't tell them. I shouldn't even be here.

"Shit." A pause, "I teleport you back up. Just focus on the ship."

I felt queezey but did as he said. Until a flash of magenta shined through my eyes. Then, I got thrown off track.


When I came to I was in Stormhold. I looked at the flowers and saw that all but the Magenta one was ripped to shreds.

Only the unique and adaptive survive the storm.

You won't survive.

I pulled out my journal and saw a new entry.

There was a storm coming. A big one on its way.

The Time War.

It left death and destruction in it's wake. Pandora died. Asgard died. Everyone died.

You survived. You were lucky. Unique. Adaptive.

The Time Lords had liked that.

They didn't know it would lead to their end though. The adaptive and unique tendencies they loved so much.

What they craved is why they fell. Only the unique and adaptive will survive the storm.

You will not survive, Time Lords.


Stormhold SweetieWhere stories live. Discover now