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The Doctor nodded, "Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head, "There is something else I would rether speak to you about."

"Of course, just let me check in with the rest of the group then we can chat."

I nodded and he left. He came back quite a bit later, "Sorry. Amy and Rory had many questions. Sent them to bed so we have time to chat."

"It's no trouble. I just felt like I had to tell you something, regarding the Time War."

He tensed, "Yes?"

I showed him the entry that had appeared after the mix-up with the angels, "I don't remember the context. I don't even know what it was really about, but it doesn't seem like someting I wrote. The handwriting is off.

There was a storm coming. A big one on its way.

The Time War.

It left death and destruction in it's wake. Pandora died. Asgard died. Everyone died.

You survived. You were lucky. Unique. Adaptive.

The Time Lords had liked that.

They didn't know it would lead to their end though. The adaptive and unique tendencies they loved so much.

What they craved is why they fell. Only the unique and adaptive will survive the storm.

You will not survive, Time Lords.

The words haunted her for some reason.

The Doctor could tell, "I am sorry I can't put your mind at ease. I don't understand it either."

I sighed.

"But, I might know a place where we could do some research."


The Tardis' Library was vast. I felt like I could get lost for hours among the books.

"Why are you agreeing to help me? Do you even really know me?"

"River Song told me about you. Said you were sweet and explained your memory issue. I felt like I trusted you the moment I saw you. Plus, you helped me and a friend out a long time ago."

I nodded, "Do I get a hint?"

"Just know that I didn't look the same. I wore a leather jacket rather than a tweed one."

It must be the regenerating process that I had read about. I wonder if I will meet other versions of him?

"These are some prophecies. Feel free to look through them, maybe the Time Lords got hold of a prophecy retaining you."

I thanked him and he left me to reading.


I was very careful with all the books, as they were all older than me probably, and flipped through each prophecy. The Tardis must've translated it for me, because I was reading it in my native tongue rather than English or Gallifreyan.

I had been reading for hours till I found something:

The last of the Fermandi will be a force to be reckoned with.
Beware the rage of a most who lost it all, and be wary of the fire that burns in her soul.
Though her mind is fragile from the shattered time, she will bring with her a storm that will end us all.
The man who claims to be a healer, will have lost his title due to the forces of the Fermandi.
The Time Lords will be lost to all of Time and Space.
Death follows the footsteps of a broken soul.

I reread it over and over before looking to my journal.

No new pages.

I decided to copy down the rant and felt more confused then when I first got here. I felt more lost too.

I went to look for tbe Doctor to tell him what I found. I found him alone in the Control room, "Doctor. Thank you for helping me. Before I go, I want to apologize."


"I am sorry that you are alone. I know how horrible it must be. The only reason I am not still on the planet of the lost is because a woman told me to help guide River Song. I am doing a horrible job at it as we are both imprisoned but, I am working on it. Make sure to find your family, even if it means building your own."

He nodded, "I know River killed a man-"

"One of the best." She told me what she has been told she did.

"What did you do?"

I shrugged, "I still haven't found out."

I pressed the Vortex Manipulator and ended up back in my Cell.

I fell right on my backside and felt extremely dizzy, side effect of travels?

I saw the guard was still on the floor, asleep, so I put the Manipulator on her wrist and began shaking her shoulder.

"Miss? Miss!? Are you alright?"

She woke up, "What? What's going on?"

"You must've been alergic to the flower. I caused you to pass out! I am so, so very sorry."

She shook her head, "No, it isn't your fault. I should've been more careful." She rubbed her head, "I am gonna get some medication for myself and see what is taking them so long to get your medication."

She stood up, stumbled a bit, the walked off.

"Tut, tut dear. Lying is a sin you know."

I turned to Melody, "Then you and I will burn in whatever firey afterlife there is later. Right now, I have research to commence."


Melody smiled at her cellmate. She was confused as to what the girl was doing, but was mighty happy that she would be there for the ride as they discovered more about each other.

After all, what was the point of life without a little bit of mystery and confusion?



Sorry this was late, I had a stressful weekend and I had ACTs.

Please let me know what you think, I always love feedback.

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