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I pull Jim from the wreckage, he was safe, just knocked out. I lift him over my shoulder and carry him like a sack of durain. Those used to be my favorite fruit. I remember them.

After I got Jim a safe distance away, I headed back to the wreckage to see several damaged Cybermen, "You will be deleted!"

"Whoa! No need for hostility, I surrender." I put my hands up in the air.

"You will be upgraded!"

When it got close to me, I kick its legs out from under it and jumped. Yay super-strength! Melody shoots three of them, the Doctor sonics some of them, but then they upgrade against the weapons.

"I hate Cybermen!" I shouted at the pair as I disconnected an arm. I then threw it in the water, so that later it couldn't try to shoot at us. Yes, I remembered when the severed arm tried to kill us at the Pandorica.

"Your doing great, Sweetie!" Melody adjusts her blaster to a stronger mode and completely disintegrates a Cyberman. But, that setting takes super long to charge up, so she was left defenseless. Well, I mean with out a weapon... that effects metal.

I quickly rushed over to her and body slammed a Cyberman coming up behind her. It went flying back about ten feet, and looked to be left dazed. "See, told you." She peck my lips and shot another Cyberman, her apparently having another gun all along.

When she saw my face she shook her head, "I always have a gun on me, when Jim said Cybermen, I went to grab an extra one. Though, I love it when you go all protective." She winked an strutted off.

What the Fae? 

"Yes, she does do that alot." The Doctor what standing at my side.

My eyes widened, "My Stars, I'll have to get used to that."

He chuckled, "I doubt you will." then his face turned sad.


Once all the Cybermen were ripped apart and chucked into the sea, Jim the Fish waddled over to us.

"Thank you! You rid me of pest, just as Ophelia said you would!" He hugged each of us. When he got to me he whispered in my ear, "Thank you for getting me out when you did."

I smiled, "Of course."

He then turned around and looked at him dam, "Oh dear! Looks like I have to rebuild again."

The Doctor cringed, "Sorry about that, but I'm supposed to be off now. Got things and... stuff."

"Where is Iris?" Melody questioned.

"Oh, I couldn't find her. The Tardis had jumbled around when we were landing, she tumbled into one of the hallways. That's one of the things I've got to do. I've got to dig her out." He looked at his watch, "Shes gonna whack me hard when I find her. I've left her in there for hours!" He rushed into the Tardis before waving goodbye.

Jim looked at us expectantly, "Are you going to help clean up?"


"Sorry, as he said, things and stuff. Nice meeting you Jim the Fish. I'll be sure to remember you."

Melody gripped my hand, before she input the new information into the Vortex Manipulator I shouted, "Bye, Jim!"

I closed my eyes as we traveled through the Time Vortex. It always hurt my head being here, especially if I opened my eyes.

When I opened them again, we were both in my cell, "Lovely plants." She sniffed them, "Glad they let you have them, they brighten up the space."

"Why couldn't we stay to help Jim? It was our fault that the dam got broken."

"No, it was the Doctor's," She argued, "He was the one that pushed the Cybermen that way."

"Though with his sense of direction, I am sure it was an accident." She muttered under her breath.

"Besides, You had an adventure, that means you have to write it in your journal. While it is still fresh and in your mind. Maybe, see if you learned a lesson that you had already learned." With that, she teleported out of the room and into her own.

I sat down, diary in hand, and began to read through it. I wanted to see what lessons reappeared. Which adventure I already had.

The Last Time Lord was unbelieveably quirky. He always made me laugh. At least, thats what he said.

For a man that brings me so much joy, it seems he does it to make up for the dispair in his own life. The loved ones he's lost, the planets he heloed destroy. If only he cod see what Ginger, Melody and I saw. If Only.

Melody had told me some of the stories. Hiw he had destroyed worlds when he was young, and for a while he did nothing but save them... But that wouldn't last.

Colonel Runaway knew that, so did the Silence. And that is why they hoped to end him.

It's why Melody and I are in prison. It is why I am a monster. I know a future me will look at this and be confused. All I can say is that, I am sorry. I was young then, and you will be far older when you finally understand why it happened. I hope I remember soon, maybe then, I can be better. Maybe then, I can be free.


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