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"Who is this? You said we were the only expedition. I paid for exclusives."

"I lied, I'm always lying." Truer words have never been spoken, "Bound to be others." 

"Miss Evangelista, I want to see the contracts."

"You came through the north door, yeah? How was that, much damage?" 

"Please," Not rude, he really did change, "just leave. I'm asking you seriously and properly, just leave."

Sidetracked, "Hang on. Did you say expedition?"

"My expedition. I funded it." I went to help set up some lights. No chance I am gonna risk a shadow coming after my team.

"Oh, you're not, are you? Tell me you're not archaeologists."

I went to raise my hand, "i'm not."
"Got a problem with archaeologists?"

"I'm a time traveler. I point and laugh at archaeologists." I remember when she was born and you laughed at her too. At least, that's what she said happened, I was messing with things in a control room.

Melody introduced herself, with her fake name and title, with a shake of the hand.

"River Song, lovely name. As you're leaving, and you're leaving now, you need to set up a quarantine beacon. Code wall the planet, the whole planet. Nobody comes here, not ever again. Not one living thing, not here, not ever." I noticed Anita heading into the shadows and pulled her aside, "Stop right there. What's your name?"
"Don't leave the light."

"Anita." She shrugged me off, only for the Doctor to grab her arms.

"Anita, stay out of the shadows. Not a foot, not a finger in the shadows till you're safely back in your ship. Goes for all of you. Stay in the light. Find a nice, bright spot and just stand. If you understand me, look very, very scared."

No one looked scared. "No, bit more scared than that." If you explained, they would be shitting their pants. "Okay, good for now. You. Who are you?"

"Er, Dave."

"Okay, Dave."

"Oh, well, Other Dave," I didn't agree with that nickname! "because that's Proper Dave the pilot, he was the first Dave, so when we-"

"Other Dave, the way you came, does it look the same as before?"

I shook my head, " It's too dark, you tell us to stay out of the shadows and now you make him stare at them?"

He nodded at me, " Dave, seal up this door. We'll find another way out."

"They wont leave until Mr. Lux gets his money's worth." Melody elbowed my rib cage.

"You, who are you?"

Frick! "Dr. Wildes."

"How do you seem to know so much?"

I shrug, "I'm older than I look. I have studied alien life since forever, especially planets. I know what might be out there and wouldn't want anyone here to get harmed."

Evangelista came and handed the contracts to the Doctor and his Companion, "I'm Mister Lux's personal everything. You need to sign these contracts agreeing that your individual experience inside the library are the intellectual property of the Felman Lux Corporation."

"Right, give it here."
"Yeah, lovely. Thanks." The Doctor and Donna tear up the contracts.

"My family built this library. I have rights."

The right to remain silent is also a right you posses. Don't see you using it.

"You have a mouth that won't stop." She turned to the Doctor, "You think there's danger here?"

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