Chapter 23: What's Stopping You?

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We stayed that way for a long time, swaying slightly, along with the music. His cologne was perfect; not too strong, but not too light (the same as his hugs). At some point, he finally spoke.

"A little bird told me that you did a lot of crying today." He said softly. I moved my face away from his shoulder and looked at him.

"I did.." I took a deep breath. "I love you." I said, looking him in the eyes. "I love you so much. Thank you." I whispered almost defeatedly, and kissed him. I noticed he was wearing a similar outfit to the video; his turquoise top was covered with a white dress shirt. His hands moved to my hips and my hands cupped his face this time. His lips moved in perfect harmony with mine. Everything about this moment was perfect. I wanted it to last forever. I never wanted to leave the warmth, safety and comfort of being in his arms. If I died right here, I wouldn't mind. I never wanted his lips to move away, and I never wanted to stop standing under these lights. I wanted this feeling to be infinite.


Savannah's lips were so sweet and her touch was gentle and innocent. I felt amazing knowing that she'd loved everything about today. I knew she would, but still, the satisfaction of making her happy was something I couldn't describe. She's so perfect. She is beautiful to me, as well as funny and smart. She's pretty without even trying. Without makeup, without any product or any fancy clothes or jewlery, she's stunning. She is everything I could ever want. She's a blessing, and I'm so grateful. I put my chin on her head as she nuzzled her face into my neck. It was like one else could compare to her. Her constant fear for me and her concern for my health and well-being proves that she's not fake. Her intentions are genuine. She's all I ever needed. I didn't know that one person could be your greatest strength, and your greatest weakness all at once. Her words echoed in my head.

"I love you..Thank you so much..I love you."

She'd said I love you twice today, and about a thousand times before..Yet each time she says it, I feel this deep, building feeling inside. It starts in my chest, and its just warms the rest of me, spreading out into my bloodstream, leaving me in a happy little daze.

When she's around, all my problems seem to fade away. I lose track of time, I lose my train of thought, I lose my ego and my hard, outer persona that I portray. Instead, it's replaced with a softer center; the person I used to be....Me.

I felt my lungs begging for more air. Breathing through my nose wasn't enough, so although it pained me, I gently pulled away. She looked up at me through her wet lashes. Genuine tears, I thought, and then smiled down at her.

"Hungry?" I motioned towards the table. She grinned.

"When am I not?" She joked, making me laugh, and then we sat and ate. We talked and laughed about a lot of things, passing the time by. When we were finished, she looked at me excitedly.

"Okay, now it's my turn." She said, reaching into her purse and pulling out a box. I grinned, wondering what could be inside. "This is only one part of your present." She said quickly, handing it to me.

"Should I be worried?" I said as she chuckled.

"Shut up and open it." She ordered, so I unwrapped it. Inside was a little card. I unfolded it and it said;

"Now I can be wrapped around your arm like a wristwatch."

I smiled and bit my lip. I realized I wasn't the only one who could play around with words nicely. Underneath the card was a watch. My jaw dropped. I remember telling her all about it's high tech features when we were at this one store in Japan. It was solid gold and diamond encrusted. I shook my head. I mean I spent money on the ring too, but that was different. I opened my mouth to object, but she cut me off.

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