Chapter 3: The Auditions

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"You're all I see in all these places, you're all I see in all these faces, so lets pretend we're running out of time..Baby when they l-"

"Savannah!", I turned around to see my mom in the doorway. "Give it a break. You don't want to strain your voice too much or you'll have a sore throat tomorrow."

"But I need to pract-"

"No, you don't you sound amazing. It'll be fine." My mom put an arm around me and we sat down on the couch. "Do you WANT a sore throat?"

"No." I said, defeatedly.

"You've been practicing everyday for a month. I can almost hear your vocal chords plotting against you!"

I laughed half-heartedly, but I knew she was right.

"Im nervous." I explained.

"You. Will. Do. FINE.", she said. "..You've never been this nervous before."

"Mom!", I sighed, trying to explain to her for the eighth time. "Getting through one set of judges is fine, but making it through 2 cuts, and performing in front of basically the love of my life whom I've never met?! Thats completely different, Mom. And what if I don't make it past the first cut and I don't get to meet Justin and I don't get my chance to even be on the show, and I just fail, like I do everything else?"

"Stop thinking so negatively! I'm not lying when I say you've gotten a lot better. You really, really have Savannah."

I wanted to believe her. Right now the only sliver of hope I had were the words my mother said, and the excited encouragements from Care as we drove to the auditions.


The audition day was the longest, most stressful days I've had so far. When we got there, the majority of our time was spent outside, in a line. People alone pissed me off, let alone hundreds, even thousands, crowded around me for a whole day. I wouldn't have minded it, had it not been for the crying children, and the sun beating down on us the whole day. What I really loved, was that I was surrounded by my kind of people. People that shared the same purpose. Same ambition. Same drive. Same dream. Same heart.

These were one of the few types of people I socialized with. I met a lot of people whom Care and I talked with as if we'd known them forever. The people in front and behind us in line had become our best friends for the day. One was a 22 year old boy named Kyle, who made us laugh till our stomachs hurt, and the other was a 14 year old girl named Lizanne. They were so sweet and kind, and it hurt that we had to eventually part ways. When it was time to go into the building, we sat together and registered together and everything. When we registered, we were each given a large sticker with a long number on it. We stuck them on our shirts and sat, waiting.

After hours and hours of waiting, my number and Kyle's number was finally called. We walked into the auditioning room that was large and completely empty, aside from a desk at the back with a few papers on it and a man sitting on a chair with mostly jet black hair, his grey strands as good as glowing. He smiled and introduced himself as a producer after we'd introduced ourselves as well. He then asked us to each sing the song we prepared. We both sang, one after the other. We didn't get to sing the whole song of course, only half. I stuck with Neon Lights by Demi, and Kyle sang a Bruno Mars song. Damn. He was good. My palms were sweaty as the man nodded when we were done. "Wow.." He took a deep breath. "This is hard", He smiled. GOD JUST TELL US. I wanted to scream. I knew I was out right then. Kyle was just originally and jaw-droppingly amazing. The man sighed again. "Uhh.." He shook his head, looking down at the sheets of paper he had on his desk, completely dumbfound. "Do you think you guys could sing another song for me?" He looked back and forth between us. Shit. I didn't know what to sing!

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