Chapter V ~ Where the Moon Meets the Ocean

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A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait. Right after I posted the last chapter I came down with something and was sick for a week and half, and I had no motivation to write. This chapter is also really, really long, so it took forever to complete on top of that. Just a fair warning—it's 6500 words, and I didn't want to split it in two.
There is a manga spoiler in this chapter, having to deal with the most recent arc in the manga. I felt I should've included it, but if you anime-watchers haven't been spoiled already, I have a feeling you won't know what I'm talking about. Just a heads up: it's near the end of the chapter.
I promise the story is going to get more interesting, and it's not going to remain happy like this forever. Next chapter will be a turning point. I'd love to know if you guys think my chapters are boring or not. Anyway, enjoy :)


The next morning would prove to be an eventful one, and Mina woke up feeling a little too energetic for her own good. She enjoyed mornings like these, bright and beautiful and warm enough to let sunlight seep through the curtains before the sun even rose above the horizon.

She jumped out of bed and was downstairs no less than ten minutes later, and she must've been up extra early for a Saturday because Jirou and Hagakure were the only ones down there. This was all a little peculiar to her, seeing as she was usually a very heavy sleeper and often wouldn't wake up until noon, but she made room for herself on the couch anyway, secretly hoping she'd impeded on an interesting conversation.

There wasn't anything exciting to talk about, though, evident through Jirou's words. "You're never up this early, Mina," she said.

She shrugged. "I fell asleep early last night, I guess. It's a Saturday. What's there not to be happy about?"

"The fact that we have to train for that Quirk exercise all day," Hagakure said, wreaking havoc on Mina's charisma. "You're lucky, Mina. You've got Kirishima as a partner; your Quirks are pretty much perfect for each other."

A heavy silence fell upon the three of them as if it only served a purpose to make Hagakure rewind a little bit. Taking the hint, she took in an unusually long breath before letting out this suggestive "hmm," almost as if to pick apart and piece together what exactly she just said. "Your Quirks are pretty much perfect for each other... aren't they."

Mina grimaced a little inside, knowing her invisible friend was about to imply something pretty much impossible. "Toru, you know I don't like him like that. He's a good friend, sure, and he's a good partner for the Quirk thingy or whatever it's called. Doesn't mean I want to marry him," she said, smirking as she gave her a light shove on the shoulder. "You, of all people, should know that best."

"T-this has nothing to do with me, Mina. You're telling me you don't feel anything for Kirishima at all? Nothing?"

Mina shook her head. "Nope. Not a thing."

Jirou leaned forward a little and gave Hagakure one of those looks that was supposed to intimidate her. "Maybe she just doesn't like anyone right now, Toru."

"But that doesn't mean he couldn't like you," Hagakure said, ignoring Jirou's advice and glancing at Mina again.

Okay, now she was implying something that was more than idiotic. It was literally unthinkable.

But Mina couldn't exactly say anything about it, because her friends didn't need to know that yet. And even if she did, they'd ask her to prove it, and that wasn't something she could do without any repercussions. She definitely didn't want those right now.

She decided her best bet was to avoid the question. "He—just... trust me. He doesn't like me, okay? Let's stop talking about this now. It's Saturday, so why don't we watch a movie or something, or maybe we can make an early breakfast. I'm down for pancakes if anyone else is."

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