Chapter XVIII ~ Darkness Before Dawn

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A/N: Hey, everyone! Sorry this is so late! I had a lot if responsibilities to fulfill, plus midterms. These last few weeks have been busy. On a side note, next chapter should be out a bit earlier, as February break is coming up. I'm so excited lol. I really need a break.

Anyway, I'd say I'm pretty proud of this chapter. It's my longest one yet, but because of the content I don't think you guys will hate me for that. Let me know what you guys think in the comments! Every read is appreciated. <3


Thursday, as unremarkable and uneventful as it was, flew by in an instant.

And then, without a lick of delay or doubt, a few short hours passed and it was all of a sudden Friday.

Tensions still grew strong. The rest of the class was relatively over Tuesday's chaotic catastrophe, but for those directly involved—Izuku, Uraraka, Mina, maybe even Kirishima—they were anything but moved past it. It was a struggle for them to even look one another in the eye. Awkwardness hung heavily over their heads, a wandering cloud that never seemed to let up nor stopped sneaking up on them through their shadows, never seemed to disappear.

Class ended on Friday on a relatively relaxing note. Aizawa didn't bother with an abundance of busy work, or too tough of a schedule for this weekend. Saturday hosted optional classes as usual, and Sunday they had off.

Mina was glad. She needed it—needed the extra sleep.


Halfway out the door, Izuku turned back around upon hearing his name out of somebody else's mouth. His teacher usually didn't call after the bell had rung—it was honestly quite surprising.

"Hm?" he asked, eyes on Mr. Aizawa.

"Can you do me a favor?"

Izuku nodded. "Sure."

"I need"—Aizawa handed him a few worksheets—"40 copies. Of each of these. It shouldn't be too long of a trip. The copy machine's right downstairs."

"Okay," Izuku said. He suddenly turned timid. "But, um, where exactly is the copy machine? I don't think I've been down there yet."

Aizawa gave him a set of confusing directions. Izuku nodded like he understood, but inside he was scrambling. The most he was able to get out of all that was the machine was in the main office. Although, that was kind of off of his own accord. Where else would it be, after all? The cafeteria?

"Um, I'm not quite sure I follow..."

For a guy who got good grades, Izuku could be dense sometimes.

Aizawa sighed, and upon this Izuku bristled with fear. "Bring a partner, then. I'm sure somebody else will know."

Izuku took a broad look around the classroom, hoping not everyone had left so he could possibly find at least one potential accomplice. A loud laugh caught his eye, easily likeable and bright and bubbly and well-received by anyone in the near vicinity, an all-too familiar laugh he didn't have to question was whose. He looked away as soon as she met his eyes.

In Mina's mind, she was clueless. She was too focused on the funny thing Jirou had said to worry about much bigger matters like her irrelevant issues with Izuku. She whispered to Jirou, "Why's he looking at me like that?"

"You didn't listen to a word Aizawa said?"

Mina cocked her head. "Um, no? Why would I?"

Jirou briefly explained it to her. "Just get over there," she said, firmly pushing against Mina's backside, sending her flying toward a flustered Mr. Aizawa and Izuku. She stood there for a second before saying anything.

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