Chapter VII ~ In the Midst of These Feelings

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A/N: Hey everyone, I know it's been a while since I posted, but I finally got around to finishing this chapter. I was loaded with projects and tests before February break in school, and not to mention I had sports, so I didn't have a lot of time to write. I pretty much wrote this entire chapter in the last three days, which is pretty crazy to think about. I also didn't know what to title it again.

Last chapter, I messed up Mr. Aizawa's Quirk, and I couldn't fix it on Wattpad. Sorry to those of you who noticed that. It is fixed on, though.

I don't know how I feel about the final outcome of this chapter, but I hope everyone enjoys. And just to let you know, it's a direct continuation of the last one. Let me know if you have any feedback, and I may have messed up on some of their Quirks. I did research, but I'm still unsure.


Mina Ashido was a lot of things: outgoing and extroverted, the kind of person with a bright future ahead of her and absolutely nothing to worry about except making a name for herself and impressing the world with her Quirk. She was as vibrant as a shooting star yet still a mess of a human being, made with all the right ingredients that had been mixed the wrong way. And apparently she was vulnerable and bad with feelings too, something even she was unaware of, because she couldn't handle a few fleeting butterflies or a little heartache over some boy.

But she was really dumbing it down to something it wasn't, because even she knew the feelings she had for Izuku had escalated into so much more than that. They were real and they were there, and they were more than just a simple tug on the heart strings. They never went away, not even when he wasn't around. And he wasn't just "some boy", either.

He was so relaxed right now, so completely unaware of her uneasiness, and a part of her was angry at him because how come he got to feel fine when she was over here freaking out? It was totally unfair, and she wanted to wipe that stupid smile off of his face. Don't get her wrong—it was cute, but it was also the reason she didn't know how to speak anymore, and it was what had gotten her into this mess in the first place.

She was frozen solid, the hand that had held his still right where it was before and the expression on her face when the realization first hit her still set and stone. She really didn't know what to do right now besides lose her cool and turn the brightest shade of purple imaginable.

After all, she liked him. She liked Izuku Midoriya, and the truth has been staring her in the face since a long time ago.

Izuku looked a little bewildered and was ready to say something about Mina's spacing out, but the clicking of the door startled both of them. They snapped their heads in that direction.

Kirishima was poking his head in from the other side. Mr. Aizawa and Iida were there too, apparently, but Mina didn't notice them until she took a second glance. Mr. Aizawa was the first to say something. "I asked you two to get in and get out, not to hang out in here."

"M-Mr. Aizawa, the lock got stuck, and the door was jammed! Honest! W-we have the stopwatch, if that's what you're asking," Izuku stuttered, grabbing both the stopwatch and the broken doorknob and showing them to his teacher.

Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat. "This isn't the first time this has happened, Midoriya. I believe you two, and I'm going to have to replace the lock before it happens again. But if you want to get any preparation time before the match, you'd better hurry up."

"Y-yes, sir!"

Mina was well aware that her silence had sparked Kirishima's curiosity, and now she was too scared to move. He was going to ask questions. That was obvious by the way he was looking at her, one eyebrow piqued upward in interest and the other downturned in suspicion. "Dude, what were you two doing that whole time?" he asked, moments after she stepped out into the classroom.

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