Chapter XII ~ Studying Tells a Lot

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A/N: Hey guys! It's been about two weeks since I posted my A/N (which I highly recommend reading if you haven't already and would like an explanation on the unusually long hiatus), and although this chapter is short, I finally have it out! This is probably the shortest chapter I've written, and I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, but this is solely meant to be a bridge chapter between the previous one and the next so that the jump between them doesn't seem so awkward. Also, school is starting for me in less than a week, and with a very, very busy schedule during the fall, updates might be rare and sporadic. Things will clear up in the winter, though, and I should have my posts more organized. Hopefully by then I'll almost be done with this fic! Anyway, thank you all for your patience—it really does mean a lot to me—and enjoy the chapter!


This was the first time in a while where the week didn't go by in the blink of an eye—and no, it might've been okay if it was simply due to excitement, but that was definitely not the case. Time just seemed to drag on, each day getting longer and longer until Mina ultimately reached her end goal: freedom. But as it stood now, being only Friday, she'd have to sit through a whole weekend, so for now she'd just have to do what she did best and make the most out of the moment.

Those who'd been forbidden from attending class (deservingly, they'd admit, since they did break the rules, but what made their lives miserable was knowing they'd have to make up all the work at a later date) gathered around the kitchen counter to grab something quick to eat before returning to their necessary chores. Mina, as per usual, was in way too merry of a mood, and decided this was the perfect opportunity to make everyone some sandwiches. Random, she knew, but she was hungry, and it just so happened that there was a leftover jar of Marshmallow Fluff in the fridge. She went a little overboard with the fluff and a little light on the peanut butter (fluffernutters had always been her favorite), but she had a feeling everyone liked them that way anyway.

Even Izuku, who was super strict about his calorie intake, managed to get his hands on one of her sugary creations. She made his with a little extra peanut butter just because she knew he'd like it like that, and extra peanut butter equaled extra protein!

She ended up sneaking a spot next to him as well, maneuvering her way between his seat and Kirishima's, and the smile she'd been wearing since the morning only grew wider. He was the thing that'd kept her together this week—through thick and thin, through each and every time she felt like giving up, he was always in the back of her mind, pressing her to go on. If he wasn't there she wasn't sure what she would've done, since he was surely the only reason she could be in such a good mood despite the depressing circumstances. They'd never had the chance to spend this much time together, the chance she'd always needed to truly sort out her feelings, not without Uraraka getting in the way or their classmates keeping them separated, and Mina absolutely loved it. She loved the way it made her feel, the way he made her feel, and she realized for what must've been the very first time that he was the person she wanted to spend forever with.

Suddenly her face set fire, and she hurriedly shook off the butterflies that'd been fluttering around in her stomach to keep from seeming suspicious. This was a big thing to realize.

Once she learned to think straight again, she glanced around the room to make sure no one had noticed her peculiar behavior. Thankfully nobody did.

Mina, Izuku, and a few of their fellow classmates ate in blissful silence while Kirishima tried his best to finish his food fast so he could get back to work. Others struck up a conversation. Bakugo was a bit behind, so he had to grab a snack instead of sitting down with everyone else. They were all a little grateful for his absence.

Kirishima, who'd been unusually quiet for the past few minutes, finally perked up with something to say. "Hey, how's everyone feeling about Final Exams?"

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