A/N - Some Good News!

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Hey, everyone—I feel like it's been so long since I've written anything on here, but I'm back! And this time I've brought with me some good news: I've just begun working on the next chapter of this fanfic!

I know it's been a while, and I'm sure most of you have lost track of where we are in the story, but I hope when the next chapter comes out you'll continue to read and follow along with the plot!

On a more serious note, if you all remember, I took a break from writing due to mental health reasons. Those were no joke, and it wasn't because I was lazy. I was seriously depressed and only continued to get worse, and eventually I had to seek out help when things got really bad and am currently on medication and in therapy, both of which have helped me out a lot. Sometimes it's still hard, but things are getting better. My life is getting back on track! And just in time for my first year of high school, too!

But anyways, yes, I have found motivation again and would really like to continue this fanfic, so I am definitely going to do so. I should have the next chapter out sometime in the next week or two, so hopefully you're all excited! The story is just about to get interesting!

One of my worries is that high school will get in the way of how much time I have since I'm playing a high school sport, a club sport, and am taking all honors classes. The fall will be especially hard with all of those commitments, so I might not have a lot of time for this fanfic and updates might be rare and sporadic. But once the winter comes around, my schedule should clear up, only consisting of school and a job I'll be starting and maybe some time for my club sport, and the same kind of thing goes for the spring as well! Fall will just be a little tricky.

But anyways, I hope you're all as excited as I am for me to start this up again. If any of you need a reminder, Mina, Izuku, and the rest of the Bakusquad (including Jirou) just got busted for sneaking out to Sero's brother's party and are currently on house arrest. Maybe that'll bring back some memories for you. I seriously can't thank you guys enough for the votes and for reading, and for those of you that have waited for me to come back, thank you so, so much for your patience. I hope you can understand why I needed the time off, and it's crazy to me that you could be so invested in my story that you'd wait a whole five months for me.

Again, thank you all for reading and waiting, and I hope you're looking forward to the next update!

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