Another (Important) A/N - Sorry for Letting You All Down

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I wasn't expecting to say this—not ever, not once during the time I'd be writing this book—but I really think I need a bigger break.

I know I said it would only be a short while last time I updated, but that was when I was having a good day. In truth, I've been so busy worrying about both physical and mental issues recently that I've begun to fall into this downward spiral—a depression, if you will. I just haven't had the motivation to get up and do anything for the past few weeks, and not long after my A/N before this did I accept the fact that I wasn't not my usual self—I'm not the me I was when I first started this story.

All in all, I seriously think I'm going to have to extend this into a hiatus—maybe for a month or two, a few months, however long it takes me to get better. But unlike the book I'd written before this, I'll still finish this story no matter what. I've got it set in my mind; I love what I've written here to pieces, and although I don't feel like it right now, I think that no matter what I'll  find a way to finish this story one way or another. My life's just been so messy and out of control lately that I think I need some time. How much time is still a mystery.

Hopefully you can all understand why I'm doing this. I feel like I might be saying too much, but I thought it'd be better if you understood why I needed some time off. This has been eating away at me for a few months now, the fact that I haven't posted, but at the same time I couldn't bring myself to write despite how many times I told myself I needed to. And most of all, thank you guys for reading and continuing to support my writing, and I hope you'll all wait for me when I come back!

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