Chapter XV ~ As the Uiverse Rips in Half

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A/N: Ok I apologize in advance for the really long-ass chapter. I hate having to read long chapters on Wattpad.
But anyway, I hope you're all having a Merry Christmas and / or a happy holiday! Hope winter break treats you well! <3
Okay, back to the book. I feel kind of iffy about this chapter, especially near the end. I'm worried about my wording being too choppy. But despite that, get ready for one hell of a chapter because things are about to go down. A comment / reply with any constructive criticism / feedback would be appreciated! I read most, if not all of them! Thank you a whole lot for reading!


Izuku was still sick on Monday, too tired to even get up to grab a glass of water and easily too sick to go to school.

Mina missed him. A lot, actually—more than she ever thought she would. Once again, she'd underestimated her feelings for him and how much they meant to her, and time and time again she would inevitably end up proving it to herself: This was more than a crush, far beyond a little name or notion like that. She'd dug herself a hole she couldn't get out of all because she had stupidly fallen in love with him.

But even if, in some sort of alternate reality, she had the power to rewind time and rewrite the past, she didn't think she would. She'd leave it all alone—she liked things just the way they were. Just the thought of having feelings for someone was enough, and it made her so, so enlivened over even the littlest of things, dwindling down to just waking up in the morning and getting ready for school. Everything was bright and beautiful and right in the world, ten times better than before, and she didn't want to give that up.

And she hadn't let go of hope, either—not one bit. In fact, she had the upper hand over Uraraka, and even though she knew how wrong it was, she wanted to keep it that way.

After dismissal at the end of her last lesson, Mina marched right through the main dorm doors, earbuds in at full volume blocking out anything and everything that could've distracted her from her one true task. She whipped out her phone the second she got a moment alone, sending Izuku something she'd wanted to say to him all day.

Sitting on the living room couch, she double-checked to make sure no one was behind her. She clicked send.

Hey. How are you feeling? School wasn't the same without you.

He replied back in the blink of an eye.

A lot better, actually. My fever's gone down, and I just got out of bed a few hours ago. It must've been a 24-hour bug.

He added one more thing.

Thanks for asking!

She smiled dumbly down at her phone screen, sitting there speechless, knowing good and well that if anyone were to walk by right now, she would have been caught red-handed talking to somebody she surely had no business being with. But she didn't care. She couldn't have given a shit if she tried.

No problem. Of course I would. I care about you a lot.

And then, just for good measure: Like, a lot, a lot.

"Whatcha doing?"

She jumped. Looming over the couch was Kaminari. "A-Ah, Kami, you scared me. What's up?"

"Is that Midoriya you're talking to?"

First she jumped, then she panicked. After coming to, clarity hit her harder than a blow to the back of the head, and she realised she hadn't yet hidden her phone away, leaving it still sitting there in plain sight for him to see. Covering it up with the couch cushions, she sighed, secretly, of course, hoping to God he hadn't seen something he wasn't supposed to. After all, it wouldn't have been too tough, especially since he was standing right behind her.

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