Chapter XVII ~ Slow and Subtle Sunrise

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A/N: Updatesorry everyone! I accidentally deleted this chapter a little while ago. I definitely did not forget all your votes and comments! Here it is again. I might be missing some parts I needed to italicize, and I'll probably double-check later. Once again, thank you, and I apologize.

I just double-checked and fixed some stuff, hence the additional publish.

I know it's been a long wait, but it's finally out! This took me a while, so I appreciate each and every one of you who reads, votes, and/or comments. Thank you, and constructive criticism is always welcomed and encouraged! I'm honestly not too proud of this chapter, so especially so this time.

Now, as for the next chapter, I have midterms next week, meaning it might be a little late. I have a lot of studying to do. On the weekend I have a friend's fifteenth birthday party and will be spending most of it either hanging out with friends or playing softball. Of course, I will still try to get the next chapter out as fast as possible! I can guarantee it'll be a good one!


Izuku woke up worn, worlds away from well-rested. Running his usual leisurely jog, he didn't have the necessary stamina he needed to live up to his typical standards, a pace he thought he'd easily be able to maintain a long time ago, and would've if he'd slept. Today was just not his day.

Upon reentering the dorms, common room still quiet and barely lit up by the slowly rising sun, a notification popped up on his phone. It was a message. From Uraraka.

Yeah, that'd be nice. Can we talk in person? Tonight, maybe?

He'd almost forgot. Last night, in his very own hazy fog of sleep deprivation and discomfiting dreariness, he'd texted her unknowingly, instinctively, asking her, begging her, almost, to do the impossible. It would've been hard for her to be ready to talk—too much to take in.

But he'd be glad to talk with her, clear up any misconceptions. There must've been many, multitudes of millions of them.

But that was only if she really was ready, of course.

Sure. Sounds good. Just let me know when.

Her replies were never slow. In fact, they were almost always extraordinarily fast. She hated keeping people waiting, and Izuku, especially, was no exception. Okay.

Izuku shivered a little, brushed his bangs back and ran his hands through his hair. He had absolutely no idea how to approach such a conversation, a conversation so imperative, so intimidating, so crucial and key, or where to even begin. Apologizing might've been a good first step, seeing how much of a fool, a tool he'd been, and that, along with an explanation, was the least she deserved, especially after all that he'd done to her. He'd be an ass not to do so.

Izuku made a big breakfast, once again allowing a little leeway, treating himself to something sugary, something sweet, something he wouldn't normally eat. He opted for pancakes this time, fluffy forever his all-time favorite. And as he reminded himself of all the regrets he had, the things he'd stupidly said to Mina yesterday and all the days before, the words he wished he could but knew he'd never be able take back, he accidentally let a little too much maple syrup slip, the pancakes irreversibly drenched.

He didn't mind, though. He liked them that way.

He'd made five, able to cut into the top two.

"I don't know, Ashido. Sounds like a you problem."

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