A/N - Don't Worry, This Isn't Another Hiatus

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Hey guys. This isn't a big deal or anything, and I wasn't even sure if it was worth making an author's note for, but I decided I'd rather have you guys know what's going on than be clueless. As you can probably see, this isn't a new chapter, and in the last three weeks I still haven't gotten around to writing much more of this story. I'm only about 1,000 words into chapter 14.

I know—things are going a little slower than expected. This isn't a hiatus, and unlike last time I don't plan on it being one (I really don't want to disappoint you guys, and I'd miss writing this book), but it's tough, because I'm starting to feel depressed again. Ever since starting high school, I think, and especially in the last few weeks. I'm just trying to find myself again before I let this go too far, and I hope you all can understand!

With that said, you can expect the next chapter in maybe the next two or three weeks or so. My schedule is loaded with softball and volleyball and school, and I spend a lot of my free time sleeping. I'm just so exhausted. I'd sleep through the whole day if I was allowed it.

I just felt it was right to let you guys know why this is taking so long. I honestly miss when I first started writing this fic (eighth grade, which was when life was a lot easier compared to now) and didn't feel this way at all. I didn't waste time laying in bed, and it was a lot easier to just pick up a pen and write. I thought I was over this, but now I don't know.

I hope you guys can come from a place of understanding. This is no where near as bad as it was last time, and I still get these moments where I have this spark of motivation like I did near the end of this summer. I've just got so much going on, and I'm so, so, so stressed out. I apologize, and I hope you all can understand why you'll have to wait. Thank you for your patience.

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