A/N - Just Wanted to Let You All Know

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Hey guys, sorry if you all thought this was an update. I'm really planning on it soon, though.

I know it's been a while since I've posted a chapter, but don't worry—I'm dead set on finishing this fic, even if it takes me a little longer than I expected. I feel bad for all of my Fanfiction.net readers, since they're not getting this A/N, but at least you guys will know what's going on.

My life's been a total mess lately, and I recently just went to a convention so I've been trying to catch up on a few anime I missed. I'm also trying to get into the Marvel fandom, and if you know how many movies there are, then you know how long it's going to take for me to finish them.

But yeah, even through all of the stress and sports and school and whatever else I've got going on, I've always had the intent to finish fic, and even more so now that I'm approaching the best part of the story. (It's pretty much all I think about whenever I get bored, tbh!) I'll have a chapter out soon; I promise. It may take another two and a half to three weeks, though, but that's at the latest. I hope you all understand, and thank you all so much for the reads and the votes and the support! It really means a lot to me. You won't have to wait much longer! <3

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