Chapter X ~ A New Kind of Feeling

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A/N: I might not be able to upload chapters as quickly moving forward, as my schedule gets a lot busier in the spring, but with that being said, I'll try to find the time to write. I found I was pretty happy with how I moved the characters along in this chapter, but I'm not too fond of the writing itself. If any of you have constructive criticism, please feel free to leave a comment, and I hope you all enjoy this!


Without a clue as to the whereabouts of Mina Ashido, Izuku couldn't concentrate. It wasn't until she left him alone for the night that he realized this—how much of a source of comfort she'd become, a comrade. He couldn't just leave her alone like that, not when somebody could crawl out of the woodwork and whisk her away without a moment's notice.

He would search for her until he knew she was safe. He looked everywhere—the living room, the dining area, the stairwell that lead to the second floor, even the closets and the dimly lit hallways. He was the only one in the room who was still sober (he'd managed to stay away from the alcohol despite the persuasions), and who knew what people could do when they were drunk, especially with a girl like her? He'd spent the last hour and a half trying to hold half decent conversations with strangers, and he felt guilty for not trying to find her then.

Izuku finally caught sight of what was undoubtedly Mina, roaming around the kitchen, talking to a man he didn't know. Upon realizing his intentions, he couldn't stand to watch anymore. His instincts took over as he butted through the crowd and grabbed her hand, tightening his grip around her wrist to stop the man from making any type of altercation, and as he dragged her along behind him, not saying a word, he took her somewhere safe, away from the alcohol and the people and a perfectly foreseeable danger. He was careful not to display his anger, though, both at this stranger and at Mina for even talking to him.

They slowed down once they reached a quiet corridor, the music softer and less bothersome. Despite this, Izuku couldn't relax, as when he let go of her hand and turned around, he realized she'd done what she'd promised not to and gotten drunk. She wouldn't shut up about what a great time she was having, her cheeks stained with a lilac so bright that it mirrored the actual flower, and the slur that accompanied her words was horribly obvious.

"Ashido," he said, and he felt used, taken advantage of, "you said you wouldn't get drunk."

She quieted down a little, staring at him with perplexingly bright eyes. She was far too intoxicated to understand the context of the situation. When she gave no answer, he answered for her. "You promised you wouldn't."

"You take everything way too seriously, Midori. It's a party! Have some fun with it, will ya?" she giggled, and still, she wouldn't stop smiling, spinning gracefully on her heels as she took a broad look at her surroundings.

He didn't let her influence him, though. He was staying level-headed. "And... You said it wouldn't be crowded, but i-it is. There are over a hundred people here."

"Well, how else was I supposed to get ya to come?"

"You don't understand, Ashido." He was silent for a second, both of them were, and then: "That man was trying to take advantage of you, you know. You could've gotten hurt, o-or worse! You can't even figure out what I'm trying to say to you right now, about how you lied to me, and instead you wanna play it off like it's no big deal. Well it is a big deal, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't get to you when I did."

She got the gist of what he was saying, her smile fading away into nothing but a frown. His words were finally hitting home. "I-I'm sorry, Midori. I just didn't know how else to make you come..."

"Why'd I even have to come in the first place?"

Mina froze, biting her bottom lip, and even though it was painful she didn't stop until it bled. She was only emotional because of the liquor. Yes, that was it. It had nothing to do with him or the sour taste he left in her mouth, and it wasn't his fault that she was about to cry. "I just wanted to have a fun night out with you, okay? Is that really so bad?"

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