Chapter XIX ~ A Beautiful Disaster

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A/N: Hey, guys! Sorry for how late this is. But it is over 8,000 words long, so I hope that makes up for it. Mostly pure fluff!

Just three more chapters after this. Two chapters of the real story (one super short) and an epilogue to wrap it up. Then this will be done. It's been a crazy, year-long journey, but I've enjoyed every second of it. I'm glad you guys have taken the time to read along with me.

Let me know what you think in the comments! I poured my heart into this, so constructive criticism is always welcomed and encouraged. Yet again, thanks for reading!


Mina woke up the next morning dazed.

It was as if she were drunk again. Drunk on love.

And it was at that moment that last night's events came back to her, as she sat up and stretched and then laid back down again in her bed. She wondered where Izuku went. Maybe he'd sent her a text.

He had. Just the thought of it made her giddy, touch the sky with glee.

She couldn't remember the details, but even in her response, he'd be able to tell how happy she was. And he'd made her really, really happy.

Hell, even in what should have been her clarifying happiness, something as waking as a warming goodbye letter, she could barely remember what she'd written back. She was still so delirious.

She squealed, swooned, looking like a drugged-up mess as she suffocated her nearby pillow, the one Izuku had laid on.

He'd even tucked her in before he left. He'd obviously kept her on that same side of the bed, not wanting to wake her, but he was clearly quite courteous.

She checked the time. As it'd finally occurred to her, she'd totally forgotten to do that.

She read 8:05 a.m.

Class started at 8:20.

She hopped out of bed and floored it.

"Crap, crap, crap!" she cried. She usually ate a little something in the morning, a granola bar or a banana or some Greek yogurt, but today she'd have to do without. She brushed her teeth for what must have been a maximum of one minute and threw on her old (honestly a bit worn) uniform, leaving her hair an untamed mess and hurrying out the door in a frenzy, a fast flare.

She made it to class just on time.

When she and Izuku met eyes, she smiled. He smiled back, waved, looked away, blushed. She guessed he was a little embarrassed.

And the whole thing with Uraraka wasn't yet over, either. She had a little inkling that Uraraka still hated her.

She sighed. So how was she supposed to go on a date tonight? Wouldn't it be wrong?

Oh well. They'd surely get it sorted out.

And, after class, that was exactly what they decided to do.

Izuku was the one to text Uraraka, letting her know that they were going to be together probably all afternoon into the late night and that he thought it was best if she was aware.

Mina, grabbing his phone and sending her a voice recording—one he definitely did not consent—told her she wanted to talk later, maybe sort some things out. To her surprise, Uraraka was eager to say yes.

She also responded to Izuku's text, saying it was "A-OK" and "no big deal" and that she was glad he even spoke up about it in the first place. He was glad. He felt like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Hopefully he'd lifted one off of hers as well.

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