Chapter XX ~ Daytime Escapade

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A/N: Hey, guys! This is a little late—sorry about that. I haven't been doing too good these past few weeks, but I'm powering through. It'll all be alright.

As for the chapter situation, there isn't much left in terms of storyline. Just two more chapters, sadly, and I'll have this book completed. I'm honestly blown away at the support and love I've received throughout, so really just thank you all. Bless you guys. I don't know what I'd do without you. <3

I'm pretty proud of this chapter. It's really just a bridge chapter between the last chapter and the next, but I thought it served its purpose well. There are some minor things I'm not happy with, but for now it isn't a big deal. Hope you all enjoy!


Izuku woke up the next morning with her in his arms.

He was too scared to move. Any slight stir would wake her, knock her out of her seemingly sweet dreams.

But she was lying lifelessly on top of his arm. And over the course of the night, it'd gone numb.

Slowly but surely, he just marginally managed to slip it out from under her, sliding it an inch or two toward his side each second. She did stir every once in a while, startling him, but would inevitably go back to sleep.

Once he broke free, he decided he'd wait awhile.

Just a few more minutes, he thought.

That was right. Just a few more minutes in heaven, in paradise, until he'd have to go back to the vanilla, mundane world, maybe more like hell.

She rolled back over to face him. She snored, the start of a stray snot bubble bursting out from under her nose. He recoiled back in disgust, maybe a hint of delight. Not the kind of delight you'd think of, but more of an amusement kind of delight.

He found her funny, especially when she smiled like that in her sleep, so innocent and pure and completely unaware of what she had just done much to his merriment mere moments prior.

Simultaneously, she said, "No, no, no! I said french fry, not cream pie..."

She must have been dreaming up something good.

Her mouth watered, just lightly licking her lips, and she seemed so hungry. Izuku checked the time.

It was a little past nine.

He heard a low grumble, and it took him a second to realize it was the sound of her stomach rumbling, rolling over in longing under the covers. As if on queue, his did as well. He decided it'd be best if he woke her up to go get some breakfast.

He tapped her on the shoulder.

With bed head so bad her bangs had become her biggest barricade, Mina sat up, rubbing her eyes, looked a little to the left and realized it was Izuku sitting there next to her and took a few seconds to be stunned all over again before coming to the realization that yes, last night did actually happen, and it wasn't just a dream. She'd slept so soundly she couldn't tell the two apart—what was her imagination and what was really reality.

"Good morning," Mina started.

She turned back around, watching his cheeks flush this vibrant shade of red. Upon second glance, he was a couple inches closer to her than he was last night.

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