~ Epilogue / END ~

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A/N: Wow. Okay, I don't really know what to say. There's just so much to unpack here. First off, thank you. Thank you all for your support and your reviews and your favorites and follows—I wouldn't be quite as motivated as I an today if it weren't for those. It's really sad to say that this is the end of the line. This won't be my last MHA fanfiction, though! I plan to write another one, albeit a much shorter one, soon! More about that in the A/N after this chapter.

This is my first real completion of a novel. After this and another short little fanfic, I am planning to maybe branch out into my own original work, although I am not sure yet. I have a couple ideas floating around in my head. But if it weren't for this fanfiction and your guys' support, I probably wouldn't be able to even say that, so really just thank you.

As for this last chapter, it's really its own short little story in and of itself. It's around 7,000 words and is pretty much purely fluff. I'm actually really happy with the way it turned out.

So really, just thank you all. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. As always, any final comments and reviews would of course be appreciated. I read every one. I hope you are all staying safe during the coronavirus pandemic!


Mina awoke cold. Despite the sound of the heater crackling quietly on the opposite side of the room, she was still cold, and it was then that she realized she only had the shivers over something psychological. She had a feeling she knew why, like she always did, as this was nothing new to her. It only took one look over her shoulder at the other side of the bed to confirm it.

Yup. Izuku was gone.

And on Valentine's Day, no less.

It wasn't like she could be surprised. This happened often. Hero work and all, being called in in the early hours of the morning before the moon could even fall curtain on Musutafu was a common occurrence.

And he was the Number One Hero. It happened a lot for her, but even more so for him. She only ranked in the top 20.

But still, that didn't stop her from being blue.

He had left her naked there, freezing under the covers, nothing but a brief goodbye note and a bouquet of flourishing flowers, lotuses and lilacs and a bundle of other beautiful blossoms thrown into the mix, to keep her company. It was sweet, she would admit, but depressing nonetheless.

She hated having sex with him the night before and waking up with him gone.

Tired and groggy, she sat up, read the note. Today was one of those days where work would be cut short, as she had already been told so antecedently by her agency. They delivered news in no time.

She read it over a few times until it finally processed in her mind, and it may have been short, but it was tantalizingly tender.


I'm so sorry about the early leave. I got called into work before sunrise. I'll let you know how it goes. Or, better yet, you can just watch on TV. But I'm betting you'll be at work.

Last night was great. I guess it was my early Valentine's Day gift. Today, if I get back on time, let's go out. Let's go out on a date, like old times. And if I can't, we can just cuddle up and have a movie night. At least let me make this night special.

I love you, Mina, more than words can describe.

Stay safe out there!

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