Chapter 23 - Paris

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Today is the big day, we have the Paris show and I have a VERY BIG surprise for my one and only baby, Y/n.

We got to Paris very late last night, so as soon as we got in our hotel we immediately fell asleep as soon as our heads hit the pillows.

We have the whole day to ourselves before we head to the venue for Limelight.

It is now 10 am and Y/n still hasn't woke up.

I guess the journey made her really tired.

Since I can't wait anymore, I decide to wake her up by gently placing my hand over her head, start playing with her hair and planting kisses on her forehead.

She slowly wakes up.

"Good morning, princess."


I chuckle.

"Did you sleep well?"


"Okay now get up, cuz I have something planned for us!

She slowly gets up and kisses me, then she heads to the bathroom to get dressed.

She takes 20 minutes to get dressed and ready for the day, and we both head out.

We do a little tour around the Eiffel Tower and then we go to the Louvre museum.

While we were walking around the museum, I noticed her getting tired and walking slower than usual, I think it's just jet lag, she'll get better soon... hopefully.

Soon, it was already lunchtime, so I bring my princess back to the Eiffel Tower and bring her to the top where they have this amazing restaurant with an amazing view.

"So, what are your plans this afternoon, my love?" I ask.

"Well... I don't know, I have to go to Limelight with you, remember?"

Right, today my princess is coming with me to spend some time with the fans during limelight.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot."

We were talking about what we were going to do during limelight when a tall, think black haired dude all dressed up fancy walked up to us.

"Hello my name is Fabio and I will be your waiter for today. What can I get you?"

"I'd like a steak with the salad, please. Medium rare."

He writes the order down and turns to Y/n.

"And for the beautiful lady?"

"Um... I'll take the Caesar salad, thanks."

"And for the drinks?"

"I'll take the water. How about you, my love?"

When Y/n said "my love", the waiter turned to me all red, I think he probably thought that me and Y/n are siblings or something, even though we don't look alike. Like AT ALL.

"I'll get a coke. Thanks."

The waiter writes it down on his little notebook thing and walks away.

"So... beautiful lady." I say, teasing Y/n.

"Oh my gosh stop!" She says, before turning red and laughing.

"What's up with you, by the way? You're getting all simple things like regular sandwiches and water. You used to drink coke and other soft drinks all the time. What happened? You okay?"

Summer love // Zach Herron [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now