Chapter 27 - Nightmare

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We end up  in the hospital here in Milan, doing one of these checkups to see if the baby is alright or if he/she is in trouble. 

As I sit on the ultrasound beds, I anxiously wait for the doctor to come in the room to start this ultrasound. The room was dark, most of the lights were off and I was alone. I didn't know where the boys or Alix were, all I knew was I was in a dark ultrasound room sitting on this bed, staring blankly at the wall. 

After what seemed like forever, I finally hear some voices coming from outside. 

"How are we gonna tell her the news?"

"I don't know, but she has to know it."

"She's gonna hate herself when we tell her. She's gonna be so devastated."

"We just gotta tell her. It's for the best.You can just try again maybe in the future." 

The voices started to fade off, but I recognise them... I know damn well that those voices were Zach's, Jon's and I'm assuming, the doctor. As the voices fade off and the footsteps grew louder, my heart started beating faster and faster, I got the chills on my back and I started sweating like crazy until the door opens and three people walk in. It was Zach, Jon and the doctor. They turned some other lights on and I could tell that there was sadness in the air. The only problem  is that I have no idea what just happened. Zach was very pale and his eyes were red and puffy, and I could see that he also had very dark bags under them. 

"Y/n..." Zach said as he stepped closer to me and held my hand. 

"Baby what happened?" I say. 

He grabs my hand and kisses it, holding it tighter. 

"W-we-" he couldn't finish the sentence because of his voice cracking. 

"We lost the baby." He finally whispered. 

As I heard those words, I felt everything around me crumble apart and start sobbing uncontrollably. I never thought something like this would happen, everything was going so well...


We did the ultrasound of the baby when Y/n was blacked out, we had to immediately check if our child was still alive or not. I hoped that he/she was alright with all my heart.

The doctor puts the gel on her stomach and starts scanning.

"I-I" She starts to say.

Thank God we got a doctor who could speak fluent English, or else we would be screwed.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I can't find a heartbeat anymore..."

"Oh dear."

A couple minutes pass of her still scanning, hoping for a SLIGHT heartbeat, but nothing.

"Mr. Herron... i'm so sorry."

"Can we please talk outside or in another room? I wouldn't want her to wake up in the middle of this conversation."


We both go out to see Jon sitting outside, waiting for us. We drag him to the other room with us and tell him this whole situation. I still couldn't believe that my first child is gone. When it finally hit me, tears started forming in my eyes and I had an emotional meltdown.

We all walked in the room to tell Y/n the news about our baby, and I see her sitting in the dark, staring blankly at the wall with very watery eyes.

"What's the news...?"

I grab her hand. I didn't know how to tell her that we lost our first child. All I could do was kiss her hand and hold it tighter.

She asked once again, and I tried to tell her, but my voice kept on breaking.

"Baby. Tell me."

With a very shaky and breaking voice, I manage to whisper "We lost the baby."

Her eyes widened and started to cry.
It was painful to see her like this. All I could do was embrace her and let the torrent of her tears to soak through my shirt. I could feel her clench her fists, not knowing whether to be mad or to give up hope all together. I could hear her silently screaming, suffocating with each breath she took holding onto her pride. I ran my fingers through her hair, time and time again, in an attempt to calm the silent war within her mind.

"Please tell me I'm just dreaming. Please, Zach. Please..."

I really didn't know what to say, I had no idea how to change her mood, all I could do was hold her.

"We're gonna give you some time alone."


"H-how did we lose the kid?" I ask as I take lots of very deep breaths, trying to calm down.

"I don't know." He says. "When we got to the hospital, the doctor ran a checkup on you and she couldn't find a heartbeat anymore."

"I'm sorry." I say as I bury my head in his chest while he holds me tight.

"Oh gosh, you should be sorry. This is all your fault. You had ONE job, and it was to KEEP this damn child so that we could be f*cking happy for once! But no, you had to lose this kid."

I push him away and look at him with watery eyes.

"What is wrong with you? I thought you were sad that we lost this kid!"

"Oh come on, let's be honest, the only person with the fault in here is you. It isn't that hard to keep a damn kid alive in your stomach."

Jonah and Jack run in the room.

"Y/n, what's going on?" Jack asks.

What I felt inside me was now rage, I wanted to hit Zach so hard for being mad at me for losing the child, it wasn't even my fault, I was just standing in their meet and greet room, and he even has the guts to blame me for it?

What the hell?????

"I just lost my baby and this GUY has the guts to blame me for it!" I scream.

"Zach what the hell? Why are you blaming the poor girl?"

"Because she isn't capable of doing anything good."

And in that moment, I woke up in a bed, drenched in sweat, with a huge belly.

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