Chapter 26 - Milan M&G

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Jonah asks Jon what happened, and Jon raises his shoulders as if saying 'I don't know' then stands up to go to the front.

Me, Zach and the rest of the boys just sit on the couch and wait for Jon's news.

He comes back shortly after with a serious face. 

"Don't worry guys, everything will be solved soon, Patrick (the bus driver) just had a mini anxiety attack and had to stop. And while he was stopping the just hit the side-road things. Everything will be fine in an hour."

We all get back to our seats and in half an hour everything went back to normal.

The rest of the tour went on pretty well, the managers let me and Zach free for a couple of hours in every tour stop for a mini photoshoot and a date, I stayed backstage looking at the boys interacting with the fans during limelight, the boys slaying every concert and the fans singing louder than ever to their songs. On the other side, I had morning sickness from being pregnant obviously, and every morning I had to literally jump out of Zach's embrace and out of the bunk bed to run to the bathroom and puke. It sucked not gonna lie, but what can I do? I love this baby with all my heart. My stomach has been growing a bit too, it keeps on getting more and more round, and I've been craving weird things like dipping my pizza in milkshake and eating pickes dipped in chocolate. It was now November and it was time for us to go back to L.A. but first, we had to make another stop in Italy where the boys had another free meet and greet for the lucky "chosen" ones from the Warner Music company in Milan and a CD signing because they didn't add Italy in this tour.

When we got to our hotel for the night, I noticed some fans already waiting outside for the boys to come out to greet them and take some pics with them. Unfortunately, as soon as we got down, we had to go straight to the Warner Music building where some interviewers and a TikTok famous girl was waiting for the boys to shoot a video with them. We got in, they greeted us and we went to the highest floor into an office and the interview started.

Me and Jon were behind the camera making sure that everything was going right and that nobody messed up anything. They were doing great, until I notice them making faces at each other and notice Zach staring at me all smiley while Corbyn, Jonah and Daniel scooted away from Zach with their chairs and Corbyn started giving himself air with his hands and I knew exactly what happened. Zach did one of his deadly silent farts in the middle of the interview and the boys did all they could to pretend nothing happened but they moved away because I'm guessing it stank too much.

These boys oh my god...

After half an hour, the interview ended and it was SUPPOSED to be time to meet the lucky fans, but this tall overly make-upped TikTok star brings us downstairs to film this TikTok which took 45 minutes and it was a bit annoying because she kept on being all touchy and close to Zach and I could tell that he was feeling uncomfortable because he kept on looking at me and he kept on running away from this girl. I tried having patience with her and not tell her anything, but the thing that made me snap at her was that she literally grabbed onto his arm and went to whisper something at him and then kissed his neck. As soon as that happened Zach got away from her once again and went to me, to kiss me. I gave her one of the dirtiest looks and showed her mine and Zach's engagement ring and told her to f*ck off, she felt embarrassed when she looked at me, but then she just brushed it off as if nothing happened.

Since the video shooting of this TikTok took so much of the boys time, there was not much time left for these poor fans so they decided to just make it as a free VIP2 and then as soon as we were finished, we would head straight to the bookstore for the signing and then to the hotel for the night. One thing I noticed about Zach is that when one of these fans came in his eyes lit up and he was so happy to see her. Was she an old love? Was she just a friend? Those two were getting along really well, so I imagine they already knew each other for some time now. Suddenly, this black haired girl turned around to look at me and with the biggest smile she waved at me. I obviously waved back, but I thought that she was like Miss TikTok over there in the corner but she's not. After her turn, she stays in the room while her friend leaves. Jon and Tyler don't say anything about it so I guess the management knows her and trust her. She walks up to me and shakes my hand.

"I'm Alix." She says.

"Hey, I'm Y/n."

"It's nice to finally meet you in person! Zach has told me so much about you!"

I laugh. "Good things I hope."

She laughs too. "Of course! Don't worry about it. He's crazy in love with you."

"I saw you two get along really well, are you guys childhood buddies, an old couple...?"

"Me and Zach? Oh gosh no! Not and old couple! Me and him are just good friends from before he was famous, we used to talk a lot on the DMs but then he got into a lot of these group chats so he just gave me his number one day and told me that he had a big girl problem so I called him and he went on and on and on about you for three hours! And during all of that we planned his proposal and whatnot."

"OMG thank you so much for helping him out!"

"No problem at all! It was actually funny seeing him going all crazy for the girl he loves."

Suddenly, I feel my stomach go into a very sharp pain and let out a little scream. I hold onto Alix and squeeze her arm.


"Y/n are you okay?"

I feel something dripping down my legs.

I hold my stomach and gasp.


It was Zach.

He knew something bad was going to happen.

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