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The strong aroma of iron wafted through the air, gently caressing your nose, and it was intoxicating. The sweet taste of fresh, warm blood rolled down your lips as you finished licking your fingers to get every last drop to fill your stomach to its full capacity. Your dilated pupils were fixated on that delicious meal you had procured for yourself, and your opinion at the end of it was: Absolutely satisfactory. With that, your animal instincts began to gradually subside as your bloodlust no longer controlled you. Your eyes returned to their relaxed state, and you looked to see the platter in front of you that no longer looked appetizing. In fact, it was now more revolting than anything. The epiphany of what you had done hit you in that instant, and the regret started to over take your senses.

"Oh no," you brought your hands up to your cheeks in distress "what have I done?"

Your memory was hazy, but you recalled being invited into the house that you were currently standing in, and then the hunger took over. From what you could tell now, it was a coworker of yours who was laying, dried up and dead on the floor. The deep teeth marks on their neck make it obvious how it started, and their entrails falling out of their belly was the end, and you couldn't bare to gawk any longer.

"What do I do? They didn't deserve this, not at all!" you panicked.

The guilt ate you up inside. You were beating yourself up for getting too hungry and losing control. The drink you had taken from your friend could have easily not have been lethal, but your animalistic hunger must've taken you over your edge.

You got yourself cleaned up and thought about what to do next. As you paced, you noticed an open letter laying on their kitchen table.

I really shouldn't pry into their business, but what if it's a piece of mail they needed to respond to?

Ignoring the guilt that was weighing heavily in your gut, you gingerly picked up the yellowed letter, and read the inked, cursive writing on the page:

"If you're reading this, you must be in dire need of a change. The same thing happened to me, long ago. I'd lost sight of what mattered most in life... real connections with other people and nature. So I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong.
I've enclosed the deed to that place... my pride and joy: Stardew Farm. It's located in Stardew Valley on the southern coast. It's the perfect place to start your new life.
This was my most precious gift of all, and now it's yours. I know you'll honor the family name, my grandchild. Gook luck.
Love, Grandpa"

"A farm, huh?" letter still in hand, you glanced down at the corpse of your coworker, and got a wickedly morbid idea in your head.


After cleaning up after your meal, you took your friend, and the letter, and began to drive. You weren't sure, but you think you had the right Stardew Valley directions being read to you from your phone. And, just about two hours from the destination, you arrived in the middle of the woods, right beside a large, rushing river. It was dark, and you smelled no soul around for miles who could be a possible witness. As you laid the garbage bag of your friend's remains on the shore, you took a moment to say a few parting words:

"What I did, I cannot be forgiven for- and I should not, rather," you swallowed a lump in your throat and continued "You didn't deserve any of this, for it was all my fault, and I am the one who deserves death more than you. But, as a vampire, I cannot shame my ways. Some might say I did what should come natural, no matter how morally wrong I see it".

Lightly, you took your foot, and placed the tip of your toes on the bag "No matter how much I'd love to turn myself in for doing this to you, no one must know of my secret. That is why I'm hurting you one last time, and am taking your grandfather's gift from you to start over my story".

With a gentle shove of your foot, you sent the bag down tumbling into the speeding water, and it drifted down stream.

"Goodbye. Enjoy heaven for me, pal, for I won't be meeting you there".

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now