Friday Night

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Entering the bar that Friday night, you looked around at all the residents of Stardew Valley you weren't too acquainted with much yet. You kept looking until you ran into Sebastian and his friends hanging out near the arcade machines and the pool table. Seeing them there again brought memories back to when you saw Sebastian and Abigail side by side at that very bar.

You felt a pit in your stomach, making you uneasy. Before, seeing them together made you- well, you were unsure if it was jealousy or anger. Now that you were— sort of— properly acquainted, you weren't sure what to feel when you saw Sebastian and Abigail together.

Refusing to have that dreadful feeling linger within you with no purpose for any longer, you marched up to the two who were chatting on the bar's game room sofa, giving them a brief wave as a greeting.

"Oh, hey Y/N-" Sebastian got interrupted.

"Hi. So like, are you guys dating or something?" You asked with a straight face.

"U-uh, wha-" Sebastian stuttered, face looking as red as a cherry.

"What?" Abigail snorted, slapping a hand on Sebastian's knee "No, we're just close friends is all!"

Sebastian's face went pale, and your vampiric ears heard the boy's heart race in his chest as he looked away in dissapointment.

"Yeah," Sebastian gulped "That would be crazy, ha ha!"

Satisfied that you got the answer you guess you wanted, you still felt hurt. The feeling you had about Sebastian liking Abigail was definitely true, whether Abigail was aware of it or not. Side eyeing Abigail, you started to subconsciously compare her to yourself, until you felt a hand placed on your shoulder. Startled, you jerked around and saw Sebastian's friend Sam.

Your eyes were intense as you glared his way. Sam pulled his hand back quickly.

"S-sorry, Y/N, I thought you had heard me," Sam's eyes shook as he tried to remain composed infront of your cold demeanor.

"Oh?" you relaxed your shoulders "Hello, Sam".

"Sam, why don't we play some pool?" Sebastian rose from the couch as he snatched a pool cue from the rack.

"Yeah, sounds good!" Sam, still kind of shaken, walked back to the table, worried to look away from you.

"I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" Abigail politely offered, seemingly forgetting about your diet.

Just then, your focus was on the tube television suspended in the top corner of the game room. It was the County new, and they were reporting on a discovered corpse.

"-they were found as of early this morning," the news reporter spoke "The body was uncovered on the shore of the county river near Zuzu City, and they have yet to be identified at this time".

You froze, a burning feeling in your chest as your vision began to blur. The body was unidentified, but you knew exactly who it was. Feeling the perspiration begin on your brow, you ducked out of the bar without even a goodbye and started making your way back to your farm.

"Hey!" the sound of flat shoes on stone pavement followed you.

"Go away, Sebastian," you shouted back, angrily, while stuffing your hands in your pockets and slumping your shoulders.

"No way," Sebastian huffed, getting closer to you "Not until you tell me why you dashed so early. You just got there!"

Stopping in your tracks, you spun your body around and glared at him with glowing red eyes.

He froze, staring at you, being caught in the crimson glow.

"Not everything is good for you to know," you hissed, before turning back and continuing down the path.

"Come on," Sebastian threw his arms out in frustration "that's getting kind of old. Just talk to me, would ya?"

"I didn't peg you as the dumb type, but I suppose I need to make myself abundantly clear," you stood sideways, a good seven feet away from Sebastian down the dirt path in the forest "You are a human. I am a monster. There are things about me that you would never understand, even if  I were to explain them to you".

Your eyes were their natural color as you sternly stared Sebastian down in the beginnings of the night.

"I really do appreciate you trying to help me and inviting me out, but-" you sighed, lowering your shoulders "but I'm afraid I can't just pretend to be a human."

With that, you walked off without another word between either of you. You didn't look back at him, but you felt his eyes on you as you disappeared into the woods on your way home.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now