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You all successfully made it into the tower- even you, with the wizard's permission.

The wizard quickly placed Sebastian on a table, then rushed to a nearby cabinet full of potions.

"What the hell was that thing?" Abigail said, shaking. Her trembling hands were covered in Sebastian's blood, but you could tell that the whole ordeal was still being processed in her mind.

"Abigail, one thing at a time," you went to her side "right now you need to continue to try to stop the bleeding from Sebastian's wound".

"O-okay," Abigail nodded in agreement, going to the table.

"How about you, Y/N," Sam approached you with concern in his eyes "how's your bullet wound?"

"Do not worry about me; I'm immortal, for the most part. Sebastian, however, is not," you could hardly look at Sebastian who gave laboured breaths as the wizard lifted up his hoodie to expose the wound on his stomach "Please do what you can to help him. I'm afraid I will be more of a hinderence because of all his bloo-"

You couldn't finish your sentence, feeling the hungry urge deep within you creep up. If you even dared to think about blood while its sweet arouma wafted around the room, you didn't know what you would do.

"Gottcha," Sam understood, going to Sebastian's side as well.

You stood facing a wall, leaning on it with your arms outstretch, using your palms on the wall for support. Your head drooped below your raised shoulders, and you exhaled down at the floor. You could feel the adrenaline in your body wearing off, and you started to feel the aching in your shoulder once again. Not to mention, what Caine said was true: you hadn't eaten in awhile, and your weakened state made that more apparent to you as the irony scent tickled your nose. You turned your head, eyeing the three hovering over Sebastian.

The wizard was applying some sort of ointment to his bullet wound, while Abigail dabbed Sebastian's face with a dampened cloth.

"It seems to me that that vampire hunter of yours is a Skinwalker," the wizard stated, eyes still focused on his patient.

"A what?" Sam looked perplexed.

"I think you're right," you turned back to the wall and leaned your head against it, shutting your eyes and crossing your arms.

"Skywalker?" Sam looked back and forth between you and the wizard frantically.

"Skinwalkers are pretty much shapeshifters," The wizard continued to explain "They can disguise themselves as anyone or anything. If it's made of flesh and exists, then a Skinwalker can change into it".

"Caine is a very infamous Vampire Hunter, but I've never heard a single rumor about him being a monster in the literal sense," you commented.

"This is too much," Abigail looked pale in the face— more so than usual— and you could tell she was losing balance.

"I gottcha!" you zipped over behind her with your vampiric speed and caught her mid fall, and she passed out in your arms.

You effortlessly carried Abigail to a small love seat and laid her acrossed it.

"I'm done treating this young man's wounds," the wizard announced "But I think you all should stay here for the night. You need to get some rest, even if you're a nocturnal creature".

"I agree," you slyly stepped over to Sebastian's side "How is he?"

"He's exhausted," the wizard reliped "but his wound shouldn't get infected, and luckily the bullet wasn't too deep, and it missed all of his vital organs".

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now