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In your fit of embarrassment in the dark, you found yourself hiding in the high branches of a cedar tree not too far from Marnie's Ranch. Dangling your legs on either side of a branch, you leaned back on the trunk of the tree, and exhaled exasperatedly.

"What have I gotten myself into?" you softly spoke to yourself.

Suddenly, the sound of rustling on the ground below caught your ear's attention. Now on your hypothetical toes, you leaned forward, getting a better view of what was below. With your senses on high, and your vampiric night vision doing its work, you focused on your surroundings to find the source of the noise.

A dear was nonchalantly eating leaves off of a nearby bush.

You exhausted a sigh of relief, leaning back into a relaxed position once again "It's only a doe".

Your moment of peace was sadly short lived, for the forest was suddenly filled with the shattering sound of a gunshot, and a burning, agonizing pain erupted in your back shoulder blade.

"Goddammit!" you clench your teeth, instinctively reaching back to your wound, but just touching it burned your hand as well.

Facing the pain head on, you knew a bullet was in there, so it had to get out as soon as possible, no matter how much it hurt. But, the longer you struggled to dig for it in your flesh, the weaker you got. You were so focused on the pain, you had forgotten to even look at the being who had shot you in the first place, but you had some idea who it was.

"You can't run now, Blood Sucker," a voice yelled up to you from the ground.

Gritting your teeth, you steadied yourself by hanging on to the branches beside the one you were sitting on "Caine...".

"There is no young man to save your hide neither," Caine concluded, grinning wickedly from ear to ear.

"What... is this?" you were still in shock from the pain in your shoulder "What did you shoot me with?"

"Oh, just these," Caine pulled out a little, wooden box and rattled its contents "they're silver bullets— which I know don't kill vampires— but they have  been blessed by a priest, and I also carved crosses into them for good measure".

"Caine, you asshole!" you growled in defeat.

"You seem to be very familiar with my name."

"Of course, you and your organization are the whole reason werewolves are extinct in North America."

"South America is getting there as well," Caine laughed "but that's not that impressive. Vampires are a lot more interesting, don't you think?"

Your vision was starting to blur, for the buring pain was getting more and more intense by the second. You could even feel it beginning to spread to the rest of your body.

"You haven't been feeding much while hiding out here, and it shows," Caine smirked up at you "That bullet is having a faster effect on you than it should".

Your grip on the tree was letting loose, and you could nearly feel yourself toppling over if it went on for much longer.

"Not that I dislike seeing a vermin like you in agony," Caine lifted his rifle up, looking up at you through the scope "but it's getting kind of boring, if I'm being honest. So I think I'm going to go for a headshot this time".

"No," you were slouching, hardly able to keep your eyes open.

Caine readied a finger on the trigger, and you heard the gunshot blast. You winced, expecting to finally be released from the pain forever... but no. Nothing had happened, rendering you confused. There was no time for you to think more of it, because your body got so weak that you slipped off the branch, tumbling down the pine tree and through the small branches on your way down. Eventually, you felt your body land on a softer surface that you hadn't expected. Eyes at a mere squint, you saw that you were in somebody's arms.

"Seb-batian?" you murmered, placing a weak palm against his chest.

"He he, no?" an unexpected voice replied "This is Sam, Y/N".

You then heard another voice nearby "Give her to me, and go help your friends!"

You felt yourself being placed on the ground in an upright, sitting position. Suddenly, you felt a focused, needle-like pain on your bullet wound.

"GAHHH!" you shrieked, immediately waking up.

"It's almost out, sweetheart," the elderly sounding voice assured.

For no longer than a minute, you went through one of the worst pains in your entire, eternal life. But then, with a slight pinch, it gradually stopped.

"Done!" the wizard declared as you looked back at him.

You were still stunned. You knew there was a bullet in the wizard's hand but the shine from the cross was too blinding for you to look at. But, since your weakness had been removed from your body, you felt a rush of adrenaline surge through you, and you got to your feet.

"Where's Caine?!" you roared.

You looked to where your enemy once stood, but were shocked to see Sebastian laying there instead. Abigail was kneeling over him, and his blood was covering her hands as she tried to stop the bleeding from the gunshot wound in his stomach. Your eyes then darted to Sam just a bit further, who stood pointing Caine's very own shot gun right at Caine himself who was knelt helplessly on the ground.

"Sebastian!" you rushed over to his side, but halted when you got a whiff of his blood in your nose. When you looked at him laying on the ground, you no longer saw him as the love of your life inches from death, but your potential next meal. You backed off, walking right by him and over to Sam.

Sam's demeanor was shaken, and you could tell he had never killed anything before, let alone held shot a gun. He was trembling, and Caine couldn't help but laugh.

"This is all just a joke, right?" Caine taunted "First that emo one tackles me and gets shot, and now this giant baby is attempting to threaten me with my gun? He doesn't even know how to use it."

"I'd keep your antagonistic comments to yourself while you're holding the short end of the stick, Caine," you stood proudly by Sam's side, placing a hand on his trembling shoulder "Pull the trigger Sam, I know you can do this".

"B-but Y/N, he's a person!" Sam's voice cracked "I don't know if I could live with myself knowing I killed someone".

"He's a ruthless killer, Sam," you sternly spoke into Sam's ear "He's more monster then man".

"She's right," Caine slowly began to rise to his feet "I am a monster".

"Don't you even think about trying anything," you ordered "it'll only just prolong your death!"

"Oh, you're going to kill me with my gun?" Caine smiled, sending a chilling feeling down your spine.

Caine then looked up at you, and you caught a glinpse of a pair of glowing, yellow eyes.

"Oh my god-" your mouth fell agape, as you looked on at Caine, whose body began to change shape.

"What the-" Sam moved his eye from the scope, frozen with fear at the sight of a man morphing into something much larger.

"Sam, shoot!" you yelled out in panic "You have to shoot him now!"

"Right!" Sam pulled the trigger, and a bullet went straight into the monster, but left no trace of any slight injury. His body only absorbed the gunshot.

Caine's form was bubbling and rippling, getting bigger and bigger, and you and Sam could only look on at it in horror.

"Outta the way!" the wizard pushed his way through inbetween the both of you, and he chucked a glass vile of a mysterious, purple liquid.

As the monster before you began taking shape into a creature with large teeth and big claws, the vile made impact onto his skin. With the shattering on the glass the purple potion exploded and showered all over the Caine Monster. Each droplet that landed on him fizzled his flesh, causing the beast to wail. His cries of pain echoed like a siren through the night sky, being so loud you felt as if it could bring a house down.

"We need to run!" the wizard ran and quickly scooped up the limp body of Sebastian, and started heading back to his tower.

You, Sam and Abigail follow suit, refusing to look back at the creature you had left behind.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now