Getting Started

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You had a busy day; you and Robin had discussed renovations to your grandfather's cabin— despite it not really being your grandfather— but you were told it would be fully completed in a matter of days. Then you were invited to the town pub by Mayor Lewis himself afterwards, which was where you were. One thing still floated around in your mind however since the afternoon, and that thing just walked through the door.

You weren't even looking, you simply smelled him. He had a strong, woodsy scent to him, probably from his cologne. His natural scent, however, made something in your senses tingle. It was sweet, and captivating as you smelled it waft by. You glanced back and there he was. Sebastian last name. You didn't even catch his last name before, but you didn't care if you ever did, all you knew was that that pale, mysterious man dressed in black was someone special. When you laid your eyes on him your heart would tug, as if your souls were connected, and that the two of you meeting was fate. You wondered if he felt the same, or perhaps it was only a vampire thing.

There was someone else with him however, it was a young woman with purple hair, and you saw the two of them walking side-by-side and laughing with one another. As you sat at the bar, staring at them, you felt uneasy. He caught you eyeing him in that moment making you jump in your seat and turn back to the bar. You felt your face get hot, too embarrassed to look his way any longer.

Who is that girl? Are they together? Are my instincts wrong?

You lurched forward, eyes staring intently forward at nothing. You got up and made your way to the exit, no longer wanting to be in public anymore. Mayor Lewis stood by the door acrossed from a middle aged woman at a table. You gasped as you turned to him after feeling a gentle tap on your shoulder.

"You're leaving already? It's barely even seven!" Mayor Lewis put his hands on his hips.

You sigh, feeling a bead of sweat roll from your temple "I know, but I think I must go. Today was kinda long for me, you know?"

Lewis nodded "I suppose that's true. Well alright then, don't stay a stranger in this town, alright?".

You give an affirming two-finger salute on your way through the exit "Of course! I'll see you tomorrow!"

As you left, you saw a couple holding hands approach the entrance. It was Robin and a very tall man beside her. You saw her eyes light up, giving you a smile and a gentle wave.

"Hey there, Y/N!" Robin said with a grin from ear to ear "Long time no see!"

"Hello again, Robin!" you tried mimicking her joviality, but you didn't think you captured it quite right "And who might this be?" you loosely gestured to the man she was hand and hand with.

Robin gave an embarrassed laugh before she spoke "Oh, this is-"

The man stepped forward, a small, sly smile on his face "I'm Demetrius: Robin's husband".

"Ah, I see," you gave a polite nod, biting your lip nervously "Well, it's very nice to meet you, Demetrius".


"And one more thing!" Robin gave a playful pat on Demetrius forearm as she looked up at him "If this is okay sweetie, I was hoping to invite Y/N over for dinner once I'm done fixing up her cabin. What do you say?" She glanced back and forth between the both of you.

"That sounds fine," Demetrius nodded slowly.

"Inviting me for dinner?" you felt your body tense up.

Dinner? But I don't eat food, I drink blood! HUMAN BLOOD! I can't possibly go-

"My son Sebastian will be there for sure as well," Robin added.

Sebastian will be there? Maybe I should go...

"Our daughter Maru as well, but she's way too young for you to get to know her too well," Demetrius chuckled at the end of his sentence, but it sounded a bit flat with his overall tone.

Another witness will be there? How am I suppose to pretend to eat with so many people watching me? ... But Sebastian will be there.

"Okay, it's a date then!" You awkwardly shot the couple two finger guns.

"Great!" Robin gleamed "We'll set the time when the date rolls closer".

"Sounds like a good plan!" you say through your grinning teeth.

Eventually you walked away, letting the pair into the pub entrance behind you. You sauntered away into the night with an unsettling feeling in your stomach. You weren't sure if it was out of nervousness from the dinner party in your future, that girl you saw with Sebastian back at the pub, or if you were starting to get hungry again.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now