New Home

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The sun began to rise as you pulled up to the end of the road, right at the edge of your destination. There was a lone bus parked in the street, and you decided to u-turn, and park behind it. You step out of your vehicle, mind focused on the incoming sunrise, as you cooly slipped on your sunglasses. No one was around, so you thought that you might as well take a look to see what the town had to offer.


After you picked a random direction to go— left— you found yourself in, what you could only assume was, the town square of Stardew Valley. It was only seven in the morning, yet you still saw a couple people roaming about. Overall you found the aesthetic of the small town to your liking: No roads whatsoever, and walking paths made entirely of neatly placed bricks. Not to mention the buildings, which each had their own defining characteristics. Lets just say, you were instantly charmed, but you were beginning to wonder where the farm that was mentioned in your co-worker's letter was. You decide it would be best to ask for directions from one of the locals— the store owner, perhaps? You approached the door, and as you out stretched your hand to the handle you noticed the sign.

Open 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
The sign read.

"Damn," you sighed, lowering your shoulders.

Impatiently you cupped your hands around your eyes and you hunched over to see through the glass. You saw movement in the back, so you knew someone was in there. You thought about knocking on the door, but a voice from behind you caught you off guard.

"Why, hello there!" There was an overly-friendly flare to the words being spoken.

You jerked around, luckily holding back the urge to hiss and bare your fangs at the source. Your face still had a freaky looking expression on it though.

"Whoa!" an older man in green took a step back "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you so badly!"

Your eyes dart around as you realized you were crouching slightly, back arched just a bit, looking a little too animalistic. You strightened up and cleared your throat "It's okay, I'm the one who should be sorry!" you rubbed the back of your neck nervously.

"I just didn't recognize you is all," the mustached gentlman flashed a warm smile your way "My name is Lewis, I'm the Mayor of Stardew Valley."

He reached a friendly hand out for you to shake, and you wholeheartedly accepted.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N," you grinned right back.

"What brings you to town? You're looking a little lost, so maybe I can help."

"Yes, actually!" you beamed, joyous for Mayor Lewis' excellent timing. You, intern, pulled out the letter from your coworker's grandpa "My grandfather wrote to me about a Farm he had here. Do you happen to be familiar with it?"

Mayor Lewis tugged the paper from your hands, and adjusted his glasses as he struggled to read the small print. All of a sudden, his face lit up once more as he looked up at you "Ah, so you're his grandchild!"

Mayor Lewis then drew in closer to you, pulling you into a large embrace. You were caught of guard, and froze immediately from the sudden touch. You also instatly became self aware of your lack of body heat— since you were technically dead— and hoped that he didn't notice.

"Your grandpa and I were old friends!" Mayor Lewis joyfully laughed as he pulled away from you, but leaving his hands on your shoulders "I'm so glad to have you here."

You chuckled politely, unaware that you were glaring at his hands that were still on you. As he removed them, Lewis began walking towards where the bus was, swinging his arm in a circular motion, wanting you to follow his lead "Come with me; the ol' girl is this-a way!"

With an affirming nod, you jogged after the Mayor, as he guided you to your new home.


After ducking under a few branches and stepping over a bunch of gnarly shrubs, you hear the Mayor announce something just ahead of you.

"There she is!" Mayor Lewis blurted confidently.

You took a look up through the clearing ahead, and you couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"Uh...," you instinctively pointed "Is it behind that pile of wood?"

"Pile of wood?" Lewis looked surprised as he turned to glance back at the structure.

The cabin looked in a bit of dissarray, equipped with boarded windows and siding panels just falling apart. The boards that were apart of the deck looked a little rotten as well, and you assumed that, if stepped on, your whole leg would fall straight through.

Mayor Lewis tapped his foot, biting his tongue in thought "Maybe it is a little rundown, but that's no matter!"

Mayor Lewis turned to you.

"Is there like, a hotel nearby, or something-" you begin, but are cut off.

"There's this fantastic carpenter in town: Robin. She's talented!" Lewis' gaze was fixated on you, "Why don't you stop on by and ask her to lend you a hand. And let her know that the Mayor is covering the bill for ya, alright?"

It was clear the Mayor Lewis was happy that his friend's granddaughter was here— even if that was a lie— and you couldn't help but hold back from breaking his spirits.

"Alright," you caved "tell me where I can find this Robin then."

Mayor Lewis continued to flash his pearly whites as he pointed you the directions "If you head north from this path, then take a right, straight ahead would be her residency."

You gave an affirming nod, and began to trudge through the dense thicket.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now