Late One Night

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You found yourself laying on your stomach beside Abigail, who was beside Sam, who was beside Sebastian, and you were all hiding in a bush on the forest floor, just south of your farm. You were out of sight— at least that was the intention— and you and your group got a good visual angle of the Wizard's tower.

"Normally this is when he shuts all of his lights off," Abigail assured.

"How do you know so much about his schedule?" you curiously inquired.

"Well, I kinda like to hang out around here in the evening," she admitted "I don't know why, but I feel kind of drawn to the place".

"Enough small talk," Sebastian cut in "we need to focus; when the lights go out and the coast is clear, then we make our move".

As soon as Sebastian gave that instruction, the lights in the tower window did go out, and your gang was on alert.

"Go go go!" Sebastian ordered, and you all got up and quickly, sneaking to the front steps to the tower door.

"Got the lock pick?" Sebastian looked at Sam expectantly.

"Oh yeah!" Sam dug through his pockets before pulling out two, needle-like tools. He then got to one knee and began fondling the lock with them, his tongue sticking out out of sheer concentration.

You looked on at Sam— who was just trying his best— but his tedious work was making you impatient.

"Alright, we don't have time for this," you forcefully grabbed Sam by the shoulder and pulled him away from the door. You mustered up your focused, vampire strength, you gripped the door knob tightly, turning it so hard that the lock mechanism inside the door itself shattered, letting the door gently swing open with ease.

Your toes stopped at the edge of the door frame base plate as your team of three were impatiently waiting behind you.

"Uhm, Y/N? What's the hold up?" Abigail asked.

"I can't go in unless I'm invited...," you muttered in embarrassment.

"Oh yeah," Sebastian sighed "Well, you wait out here then".

You step out of the way and let them inside, leaving you out in the dead of night.

"I was worried about this," you moped to yourself, leaning on the wall beside the door.

Sam, Sebastian and Abigail were met with a large room filled with unfamiliar mystics and walls of packed bookshelves. There were many sparkling, colorful objects placed on tables and shelves, and even a cauldron full of green, bubbling goo in the back left corner. Each of them split up the room, searching for anything that can potentially help a vampire. Anything vampire related, really.

Sam, quickly getting distracted by all the cool new gizmos, spotted a broom in the corner beside a bookshelf "Ooh".

He excitedly walked towards it, picking it up carefully in his hands, analyzing it, before stradling it inbetween his legs.

"Sam, what do you think you're doing?" Abigail looked at him with concern.

"I want to see if this is a regular broom, or a magic broom," Sam gave a cheeky grin as he tried hopping in the air to try and ride a potentially magical broomstick.

"If it is magic, that is still not what we're looking for," Sebastian said in a monotone voice.

"Hey Seb, you've really been such a party pooper lately. Did you ever think that maybe a magic broom could be useful?" Sam nagged "Y/N, can you fly?"

With a jerk of his body with a broom between his legs, Sam whipped the brush part of the broom to the side as he turned to speak to you through the doorway, carelessly swatting mysterious glass viles off of a table near by, creating a horribly loud crash.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now