The Hunter

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Gus, the owner of the Stardew Saloon, was wiping down the counter before he noticed an unfamiliar man slumped over the the surface.

"Hello sir," Gus greeted "what can I get for you today".

"Beer," the stranger huffed as he stroked his graying stubble on his face.

"Coming right up," Gus prepared one stein of beer for him, sliding it his way as the froth along the top settled.

"Thanks," the man took a sip, letting out a satisfied Ahh as he removed the beverage from his lips.

"I've never seen you around here before, and we don't get a lot of new faces often," Gus pretended to look busy by polishing another empty stein with a dish cloth "Who are ya, and where are you from?"

"Ha ha," the man chuckled at Gus' interrogation "the name's Caine, and I hail from nowhere. I move from city-to-city, you see".

"Oh, a traveler, eh?" Gus nodded in interest "Well then what brings you to such a small town as this one? Pelican Town isn't known much for its sights, and there are no town events happening anytime soon".

"Well," Caine stretched his back "I'm actually looking for somebody, and the trail I was on lead me to here".

"Oh yeah, who?" Gus asked, interest peaked.

"A killer."

Gus nearly dropped the glass he was holding "W-what!?"

"Over a month ago a body of an office worker was found floating in the river near the outskirts of Zuzu city," Caine continued "And I have a reason to believe their killer passed by this little town".

"A-are you with the police or something?" Gus looked a bit shaken by the information, but he still wanted to know more.

"You could say that," Caine smirked before taking another sip of his beer "You don't happen to know anything, do you? Seen anything suspicious over the past month?"

"Not that I can think of," Gus looked a bit bothered, making Caine smile.

From the side, Sebastian had approached the bar just a few stools over, and was secretly listening in.

"The killer has been on the run for a month, you say?" Sebastian entered the conversation

"Over a month," Caine corrected "Why? You know something?"

Sebastian shook his head "No, just curious is all".

Later in the night, Sebastian left the bar, and he felt the ice cold stare of Caine lasering into his back on his way out.


Days later, you found yourself knocking on Robin's door once again.

"Come in!" Robin called from inside.

You swung open the door and greeted her with a pleasant smile.

"You don't have to knock during buisness hours, you know," Robin said politely, but you could tell she was slightly annoyed.

"Oh, you're right!" you apologized for your vampiric curse "I'll try to remember next time".

You approached Robin at the counter, giving her a query "Is Sebastian in today?"

Robin's eyes lit up "Yeah, he's down in his room!"

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now