The New Feeling

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After following Mayor Lewis' brief directions, you found yourself at the door of a fine looking, woodsy workshop. As you reached for the knob, you suddenly found yourself frozen in place.

"Ugh, great...," you groaned, realizing your predicament.

Since this wasn't just this Robin lady's place of buisness, but her home as well, that meant— being the vampire that you are— you would need to be invited inside to be allowed entry.

You sighed as you reluctantly lifted your balled fist and gave three stirdy knocks on the finely crafted woodgrain door. You could play out the following events in your head: Robin would let you inside, mention that you didn't have to knock— which you knew— but you'd end up feeling embarrassed for looking like a weirdo, all thanks to the dumb rules of being a vampire.

After waiting a prolonged amount of time— enough so to make you feel uncomfortable— you gave the door a few more knocks.

"Uhh, come in?" a voice rang from inside.

"Oh fucking finally!" you gave an exasperated thanks to the powers that be, all under your breath, and successfully turned the knob and walked inside, AKA finally being able to scratch the itch of your vampire rules once again.

Inside stood a middle aged woman with a red ponytail standing behind a wood counter just acrossed the room. Overall the space was empty and not very big, except for the hallway to your right leading to the rest of the home— or so you assumed.

You approached the person who you thought to be Robin with a soft, friendly smile on your face.

"Welcome! The name's Robin; what brings you to my workshop, Stranger?"

You were relieved that she didn't bring up you knocking on the door of her buisness, and you felt a single weight lift from your shoulders.

"Hi, I'm Y/N," you couldn't help but bow your head "I actually was sent by Mayor Lewis, you see, and my uh- grandfather used to own the run down cabin in the woods south-west of here-"

Robin gasped, cutting you off "Say no more, Miss Y/N, I know exactly what is going on!"

You're at a loss as you get startled by Robin's excitment.

"Have no worries there, little lady," Robin rummaged from under her counter, eventually pulling out a tool box and a roll of blueprint paper "Mayor Lewis told me of this day and I already have design plans. How about I meet you both there at the sight while I get all my materials, yah?"

"Uhm, sure?" you were glad the exchange was over already, for you're not the most social person, but you were still astounded by the sheer tenacity in her eyes while bringing up the project "I guess I'll see you there then-"

As you turned around to leave, motion in the hallway that was to your left caught your eyes. Fully turning your head to look, you saw a young looking man in all black shuffle from a basement/lower level steps and down the hall. The man too took a glance your way, and for a moment the two of you locked eyes.

Suddenly, you felt a tugging in your chest, and your heart skipped a beat. A warm feeling overcame you as you stared on at the emo boy in that hallway.

He, however, looked afraid. As soon as he saw you, his eyes widened, and he began to shuffle faster down the hall away from you.

"Ugh, how rude!" Robin rolled her eyes as she slammed her hands on the counter top "SEB, GET IN HERE! Sorry, that's my son, I'm afraid he's a little shy".

Soon you saw the man slowly return to the room, head down and hands stuffed deep into his hoodie pockets.

"What?" he asked with attitude in his voice, avoiding any and all eye contact with you and his mom.

"Sebastian," Robin's voice stretched through her gritted teeth, "this is our new neighbor Y/N, and she is going to live in the currently abandoned cabin in the forest. Her grandfather used to run a farm there, actually".

"... Okay?" Sebastian was unimpressed and shrugged to show it.

Mouth agape your eyes twinkled as you stared longingly at him. Licking your lips you noted how his rich, black hair covered his right eye, and the one left visible was the color of dazzling obsidian. The way he stood was so relaxed, and his slender legs infatuated you to no end. Your vampiric nose even caught a whiff of his odor, and it absolutely enthralled you. Everything about this man was perfect to you, absolutely breath taking. You felt your chest getting warm before Robin broke your total consentration.

She was now beside the two of you, looking back and forth from each of you "Y/N, Sebastian. Sebastian, Y/N," she introduced.

You shot your hand out, waiting- dying to take his hand into yours. Eventually his hand came in contact with yours as you hoped it did, and you gave the best damn handshake you've ever gave in your long, eternal life.

"It's so nice to meet you, Sebastian. I can't wait to see you in the valley more often," your eyes were analyzing his face as you flashed an enchanting smile.

In turn, Sebastian laughed nervously, his cheeks turning a soft red color "Y-you too...".

Reluctantly, you released your grasp on his hand as he seemed to jerk it away.

"Sebastian is 22," Robin butted in, a cheeky grin on her face "I'm sure you're a youngster too, right Y/N?"

"Oh my god, MOM," Sebastian turned his head away in shame "You've got to stop this".

"I'm 21, actually," you lied, you were 321, but white lies like that aren't that bad- or at least that's what you continued to tell yourself.

"Oh really," Robin batted her eyelashes between the two of you.

"MOM!" Sebastian hissed, glaring daggers at Robin.

"Alright," Robin sighed "I suppose Y/N needs to head on home, for she needs to help me with renovation ideas; finalizing and whatnot!"

And so you finally made it outside, you felt your heart race in your chest— despite you thinking that you didn't even have one. Maybe it was a phantom feeling? All you knew was, when you laid your eyes on Sebastian, you learned something.

"He's the one...," you're lips were moist as you mumbled to yourself "Is this what it feels like?"

Shuffling back to your cabin, you turn and look back at Robin's work shop, adjusting your sun glasses, and a toothy grin on your face.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now