The First Feed

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The hunger was taking over your body, for you felt your stomach come alive as your vision began to fade. It was dark on your way home, but your vampiric night vision kicked in. You felt your fangs slowly grow into sharp points and you hungrily traced your tongue acrossed them. All of your senses became hightened, and you wiggled your fingers at your sides.

"Hey, Y/N?" Sebastian's voice caught your attention from behind you.

You glanced backward, glaring at the sudden noise.

"My mom figured that I should help you get home, so I'm here to-" Sebastian was haulted.

Without a moment of hesitation, you dove at him, grabbing his shoulders with your sharp, talon-like hands and pinning him to the dirt.

Sebastian's head thunked loudly on the ground, and just before he made any sort of sound, you covered up his mouth with your hand. You straddled him as his wide eyes stared back up at you from the below.

He saw the red glow in your hungry eyes, along with your large fangs as you growled, saliva flinging off your teeth as you did so. Your once soft looking face was now that of an animalistic beast, and the color from Sebastian's skin drained from him with fear.

Hissing, you opened your mouth wide, nearing his exposed neck as you forced his head to tilt to the side. Sebastian began trying to desperately kick his legs and use his arms to shove you off of him, but your hold on him was way too strong for you to even get budged.

You were mere inches from his neck, and you got a good whiff of his scent. Suddenly, your eyes had changed back to their normal state, and the intoxicating smell of Sebastian's odor made you feeeze. You felt a tingle down your spine, reminding you of just what you were doing exactly. You instantly jumped off of him, crawling backwards away from him on the ground, panting heavily as you continued regaining your senses.

Fangs still exposed, you sat back and realized what you had just done. A waterfall of tears began to fall from your tired eyes "I'm sorry," you covered your teeth with your hand in shame.

Sebastian, still panicked, scrambled to his feet as soon as he could. Kicking up dirt, he began running for dear life through the darkness. He did't get too far before he acknowledged the gentle sobbing coming from you. He then started slowing his pace until he came to a halt, his heavy feet thudding against the hard ground. He turned, glancing back at you on the disturbed soil. You were lit in the moon light as you cried on your knees.

Fears were spinning in your head. You knew you had to leave Stardew Valley and keep looking for a place to lay low. You were shaking, feeling your weak body shutter from the stress of it all.

"So you're a v-vampire?"

Your head shot up, looking at Sebastian who was then only a few feet in front of you. You stared back up at him, mouth agape. You then nodded, severely unsure how to properly respond.

He then asked in a serious tone "Will drinking my blood kill me? Turn me?"

You blinked and licked your lips before shaking your head "It depends on how much I drink if it kills you, and I can't make people turn either".

Before your eyes, you witnessed Sebastian kneeling down and exposing his neck "Here".

Sniffling, you wipe the tears from your eyes "No, you don't even know me, what are you doing?"

"You're hungry, right? Drink my blood. It's type O, if that matters."

You shook your head, but you couldn't help but salavate at the thought of his offer.

"Think of it as an apology for my mom poisoning you" he laughed, shrugging at the idea.

You gulped as you gently grabed his shoulders, aiming your teeth at his skin. You slowly brought your face to the exposed area, and dug your fangs into his flesh, being sure to focus on not taking too much blood from his body.

For nearly one minute you continued to suck out his blood, until you released the moment you were remotely satisfied. You pulled your head back, seeing Sebastian look even paler than he did before. While you were looking instantly rejuvenated, Sebastian looked droopy and exhausted.

With a thank you to him, you escorted the generous boy back to his front door before you returned to your cabin deep in the woods.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now