Don't Tell a Soul

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You managed to fall asleep that night— somehow. Despite your nocturnal nature, you had trained yourself to be dinural to better blend in with human society. Nonetheless, what you thought would have kept you awake, was the events that occured last night running through your head. You weren't asleep for very long, but eventually the sun did wake you up, and your worries were still on your mind.

He knows about me. He knows I'm a vampire...

That was all you could think about that morning as you rubbed your crusty eyes.

What if he turns me in?

You thought about Sebastian, recalling your connection you felt towards him, and the tug of war your emotions were having about that entire situation.

Suddenly, you heard a knock on your front door. It was barely even 7AM, and you were not prepared to face the world yet. You hopped off your bed, nearing the front door in the other room. You felt yourself shaking as the possibilities rolled through your head.

Who could be knocking so early in the morning? Mayor Lewis maybe, or could it be Vampire Hunters?

You get on your tip toes and peered through the window on the door. On your porched you saw Sebastian waiting to come in. He caught you looking at him and gave you a small wave, and a smile. Your eyes widened as you swung the door open in a flash, then you the grabbed his sleeve and dragged him into the house. Slamming the door, you grab Sebastian by the shoulders and threw him against the front door onlt to stare him down with your glowing, red eyes. You had him pinned, and you saw a familiar fearful looking expression on his face as he did the night before.

"Why did you do that last night? I could have killed you!" you growled at him, baring your fangs.

"B-but you didn't!" Sebastian retorted, shaking in his boots.

"Did you even know that vampires were real before that?"


"Then how were you so brave last night? What made you think to do that?"

Sebastian looked around nervously "I don't know, you seemed scared too?"

Your lips pursed, you softened your stare, along with your grip on Sebastian, before ultimately letting him go and stepping away "I need to leave town".

"What, why?!" Sebastian asked with urgency.

"Because you know about my secret! I can't stay here because of that!" you snapped back in a snarky tone.

"I won't tell, I promise!" He begged "You don't have to leave!"

"Why are you dying to have me stay? What is your motive?" you narrowed your eyes at him, crossing your arms.

He shrugged "I don't  know, I guess I just think you're interesting. Everything else in this town is kind of drab, so yeah".

You sigh, letting your eyes look him up and down. You couldn't detect any hint of lying from him, but the longer you stared at him the more your heart began to beat faster.

"Fine, I'll stay," you give in "But no. Telling. A soul. About me. Got it?"

Sebastian bit his lip "Actually...".

You glared at him "No-"

You tilted your head back to the window high up on the front door again, and saw two sets of eyes peeking down at you.

"What the hell!? You're the one who said you wouldn't tell anybody, but you already told two people?!" you swung open the door as you continued scolding Sebastian.

Vampire in Stardew Valley [Sebastian x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now