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Kennadees POV..

It's the first day of my second year of high school and I'm so nervous. Nervous to see all of my friends, nervous to see my boyfriend, nervous for everything. I start getting ready at around six in the morning. I can't really say I'm happy to start school again, because my nerves are taking over me. I start getting the shower ready and forty five minutes later I'm getting out of the bathroom in shorts and a baggy shirt. I sit on my bed and put my contacts on and start putting my make up on too. I'm in no rush because I have plenty of time. When the clock finally hits seven my mom knocks on my door and gets the car ready. I look in the mirror once more. My long blonde hair going past my shoulder in loose curls. I'm wearing a white pencil skirt, a black shirt, and a colorful scarf. I quickly put on my white high top converse and walk out, grabbing my bookbag along the way. My mom and I are still half tired so we barely talk. 'Are you going to want breakfast?' she asks as we're nearing McDonald's. I simply nod. I eat in the car while she keeps on driving. I finish eating before we get to school. My mom being a high school teacher has to get there early. School doesn't start until seven thirty and we got there at seven fifteen. We get off and go our separate ways. I make my way to where Ana was. I told her to save me a spot in the gym. But as soon as I walk into the gym everyone's already in line according to their home room teachers. I tried to remember who was in my homeroom. I saw Rickey, Brody, and Cara talking in a circle. I walk over to them, scaring Rickey. 'Geez kennadee. You scared me.' I give his butt a pinch that makes us all laugh. I give him a tight hug, before looking over to the line beside me. There was Ana talking to Victoria and Adam. I quickly poke her and she turns around to look at me. 'Kennadee!' she yells. We exchange hugs before the my line starts moving and Rickey is calling for me. I quickly catch up to him. As I'm walking I feel a pair of hands wrap around me and someone giving me a kiss on the cheek. I quickly turn around and see my boyfriend of almost a year, Liam. 'Liam. I've missed you so much.' I say giving him a hug. 'Hey darling. How was your summer. Sorry I couldn't hang out to much. I was super busy.' 'It's alright. I was pretty busy myself. I had a lot of fun hanging out with Jen, Ana, and a lot of other people.' I said getting ahold of his hand. 'Yea? sounds like a blast. I've missed you so much princess.' I have always loved his nicknames for me. 'Well I have to run darling. I'll see you at lunch.' He gave me one last peck on the cheek and ran off to his classroom. I go back to talking to Rickey and he asks me how my summer was. I tell him all the details. He stays quiet while I ramble on and on about my summer.


'FINALLY!!!' I say a little to loud as the bell for lunch rings. I try finding Liam and Ana. Ana finally comes up to me smiling the biggest smile ever. 'Hey.' She said. 'Where's Liam?' I shrug and keep looking. 'Maybe he has second lunch.' We get in line and start talking about the most random stuff. We get our lunch and Ana begs me to sit with Drake, Hunter, Dylan, Evan, and David. I give in and we go sit with them. 'Hey guys.' Ana says. 'Hey whores.' I say while laughing. They say hey and go back to eating. 'So we have fifth together.' I say to Ana and Evan. They nod and continue making conversation. Once we're finished eating they make us go to the gym.

Once we're in the gym the lights suddenly go out. I grab a hold of the person next to me. Once the lights turn back on, I see I'm holding onto drake. I quickly get off of him. 'My bad.' I say and get up to sit beside Ana. She started wiggling her eyebrows and a smirk on her face. 'what?' She just shrugged and started talking to drake. I started talking to Evan. My phone buzzed. I looked at it and saw that 'Liamboo' texted me. 'Hey princess. I know I said I had first lunch. But they switched my schedule. I'll walk you to your bus though.😘' I was about to text him back when the bell rang. Ana, Evan, and I made our way to fifth period. Evan and Ana were walking side by side. I got a little behind and saw that they were holding hands. 'What!' I half yelled and half squealed. Ana and Evan turned around and gave me a weird look. 'When did this happen?' I say to them. 'It just happened over the summer, I guess?" Evan said. 'What. Ana. Why didn't you tell me?' I said catching up to them. 'It slipped. I'm sorry. it's only been like three months.' 'So since the beginning of the summer?' 'Well yes. We started talking like the last month of school. We didn't really tell anyone.' She said stopping at our classroom. 'Dude. I'm so happy for you.' I said. She smiled and Evan put his hand around her. She leaned into his touch, she seemed happy. Evan was nothing like her boyfriend in the ninth grade. Evan had brown hair with brown eyes. Justin had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was a nice guy but Ana found out he was cheating on her with Destiny. at first she didn't believe it, but then she saw him kissing her with her own eyes. I was there with her to help with the break up. I saw the way Evan and Ana looked at each other. Evan wasn't known as a bad guy. Justin was known as a bad boy and a cheater. But Ana didn't really know about it.

The rest of the day went as normal. I waited for Liam by the cafeteria. I didn't see him anywhere so I started walking to my bus. I saw Ana walking and caught up to her. 'Hey where's Liam?' she asked. 'I don't know? he said he would meet up with me. But i didn't see him anywhere.' I said shrugging. 'How long have you guys been together anyway? I lost count after five.' She said laughing. 'It's going to be our one year in two days.' She made an 'aww' sound and I couldn't help myself from blushing. This past year with Liam has been amazing. We said our goodbyes as we got into our busses. 'Liam? where were you. I was waiting you for you.' I texted Liam. It took him an hour to text me back. 'Sorry kennadee. I was doing something.' He never calls me kennadee, so I decided to call him. He answered on the fourth ring. 'Kennadee? I'm a bit busy.' I heard someone in the back ground. 'Who's that in the background?' I said. 'No one.' He said quickly. 'Come cuddle with me baby' a girl said. 'I-is that a-a girl?!' I said getting teary eyed. 'N-no?' 'Liam. Who is it?' it was a girl. 'L-Liam. Is that a girl.' I said in tears. 'Gosh Jen! shut up' he yelled. 'J-Jen?' I said 'FUCK YOU LIAM! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!' I said hanging up the phone and throwing it across my room. I can't believe him. After almost a year he does this. How long has he been doing this? why Jen? out of everyone. Why Jen? I couldn't hold it in much longer and I just cried. Cried until I had no more tears left. Cried until I felt nothing.

A/N my friend gave me the idea to write a new book guys. So I'm back into writing. I've had writers block for the longest of times. But now with her help I hope I can make this book better than my other one.

Edited 5/4/15

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