Chapter 1

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I woke up to banging at my bedroom door. As I groan I think 'wow, someone is home for once.'

"Honey, you need to get up. We are leaving soon." My mother says through the door.

I groan as start to roll over. Oh joy today is the day! The day we move to Virginia! (Hint my note of sarcasm) I am not happy, I don't want to move at all! My parent are getting a better job there and they say that we will get more money and be happier. We don't need more money they work 24/7 anyways.

I turn to the clock, '5:00 am' I groan just thinking about how early it is.

I slowly get up sitting on the edge of my comfy AND warm bed.

I head to the bathroom to take a shower. I strip my clothes and hop in. I get out of the shower and blow dry my hair. So I don't have wet, sticky hair. Sense my hair is naturally, perfectly wavy I put my long brown hair in a side braid.

I put on some powder foundation and a little bit of eye liner. I go back in my room and put on some sweats, tank top, and I gray thin jacket. To top it all off, some red vans.

I grab my back pack that I packed the night before and headed down stairs. It was now '6:15'. My mom was making breakfast in the kitchen.

"Good morning" she says covering my pancakes in syrup, just the way I like them.

"Good morning" I say sitting at are bar.

"Are you all ready?" She said giving me a pancake.

"Yep!" I say cutting my pancake. "Uh.. What are we going to do with the rest of are furniture? Like my bed I need my bed!"

"The movers are going to take everything in the truck and drive down there."

"Oh ok!"


We were on plane about to take off to get to our new home, I guess. I put my head phones in and looked out the window. Thank God for a window sit.

'Goodbye California, hello Virginia' I thought to my self.

(A/N sorry the chapter was so short and boring but you always need that boring first chapter. Hopefully you liked it and want to read more. If you do "thank you" and second chapter will be out soon!)

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~ my Fandom Instagram is @matts.face

~ my personally Instagram is @madom_maddyy

~ my vine is @matts.face

~ twitter is @maddypc123

Bye peeps! ✌️

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