Chapter 7

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(Matts POV)

I was not really that drunk last night. I was drunk but I could control what I was doing. I said all those things and did all those things just to see how she would reacted.

I almost got to take a shower with her. So close yet so far Matt!

I also called her my girlfriend on purpose. And said I loved her on purpose.

I really do think I love her. Or at least like her. I really never liked anyone before usually just sleep with them then dump them. But I never actually liked any of them. But Charlie she's different I really do like her.

Uhh why does she have to be so perfect and cute the way she smiles and way she talks. I hate her so much for it. But love her at the same time.

I got to sleep with her in my arms and that was amazing. And the first time we hung out and kissed I did feel something. It was short and the best kiss I have ever had in my life. And I have had lots of kisses trust me.

(Charlie's POV)

I woke up with Matts arms around me. It was amazing to wake up like that. I looked at the clock '11:30'. We slept in!

I started hitting Matts face a little. He stared moving around and opening his eyes. Once he did a smile grew on his face.

"Good morning, sleepy!" I said laughing.

He laughed "good morning beautiful!"

I blushed. I looked down to hide my blush.

He smiled because he knew I was blushing.

"Stop!" He wined.

"Stop what?!" I copied.

"Stop trying to hide you blushing. It's cute!" He winked

"Shut up" I yelled trying to make him stop complimenting me.


I rolled my eyes.

"So I been thinking we could go on alittle date." He said.

I felt butterfly's in my stomach.

"Ohhh, are you asking me out on a date matty boy." I laughed.

He laughed too. "As friends."

"As friends." I said back.

We went down stairs in the kitchen. To get a little snack.

"What's the plain?" I asked.

"I don't know. Just a wear your bathing suit under your cloths."

I nodded and headed upstairs to change.

I put on an Aqua bikini with booty shorts and a crop top over it. I don't put any make up on because if we are going somewhere with water what's the point. I put in my shades and Vans and went down stairs.

Matt was getting his stuff together while I was walking down stairs.

"You look great!" He said

"Thanks" I blushed this time not hiding it.

I think he noticed because he started smiling.

"Can we head to my house so I can get my stuff?" Matt asked.

"Of corse"

We go to his house and his parents are there. Time to meet his parents.

"Hi honey, who is your friend?" His mom asked.

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