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Yes! The story is finished!

I know it ended horribly. Please don't be mad at me.

I know This story sucked. Like for real, this story was crap.

But I am writing another one and it's going to be great.

I have started and I am taking my time on it and making details.

It's a Nash Grier fanfic I will also tell you guys when it's out.

It's not out yet because I want to give my self I head start so I can update like everyday or two and not have you guys waiting months for another chapter.

My story is going to be call "Love In My Sight | Nash Grier Fanfic"

I am really excited and you should be too.

If you read this I love you.

If you comment saying you read this I will follow you too. And if you make story's maybe I will read your books too.

But ya can't wait!

Sorry you had to read this Torture

Bye! ✌️

(P.s. I am writing another book called "other way around | Matthew Espinosa fanfic"

It's the bad girl type... It's the 'other way around' from this story. 😉 I am writing it because I feel bad because this one sucks so I feel like I should write another bad boy/girl book. So I am!) 😘😘😘😘 love yall

Bad Boy Love | Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now