Chapter 9

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Life has been good. Matts and I'd relationship has been on top of the world. He hasn't been checking out girls or hooked with anyone , that I know of! Kat and Noah are together and Morgan and Jacob are together. We are all happy and living the life.

(Charlie's POV)

*three weeks later*

It was our last day of school.

Matt just wanted to skip this whole week. But I told him that he shouldn't and he should at least try his best on his grades, Sense school was almost over.

But now it's the last day of school and I am so happy. I know we won't do any work we will probably just watch some boring movies. But I didn't have to go to school. My mom said I didn't have to. But I didn't want to leave Morgan and Kat. I know Matt, Noah and Jacob would skip any day, But they didn't want to leave there girl friends.

It was last period and I really had to go to the bathroom.

I went to the bathroom and when I came out, the Bell rung just in time. I was hurrying to my class like everyone else. There was only a few people in the hall ways when I pulled into the janitors closet.

At first I freaked out but when I realized matt is the one who pulled me in here I stopped freaking out.

Now Matt is very gentle with me. He knows I am delicate and I don't like making out in public and taking it far. So this was the last thing I suspected from Matt.

He looked into my eyes for a few seconds and I looked into his. Then he started to kiss me but it was filled with so much passion. I instantly kissed back because I kinda knew this was going to happen.

He started making the kiss more intense by leaving no space in between us. He asked for a entrance and I accepted.

We stared making out when I jumped up and put my leg around his torso. I knew he was going to tell me to jump he just didn't want to break the kiss.

We banged against the shelves and stuff was falling down. Paper towel rolls fell on my head and I said 'Owe' in the kiss. I think he liked that cause he started smiling in the kiss.

We finally stopped kissing. He put me down and we stared into each others eyes.

"Charlie" Matt spoke. "I have known you for 4 months and I have been dating you for 1 month." He paused. I smiled. He stared talking again. "And every sense I laid eyes on you I knew that you were the one. Charlie... I-I-I love you!"

Those words made my heart fill with joy. I had butterfly's in my stomach.

I know what your thinking you guys have been dating for a month and know m each other for four, you can't love one another. Well when you know, you know, and I know I love him too.

"Matt... I love you too!"

He smiled and kissed me again. This time is was filled with even more passion, it was slow, steady, and short. It was perfect!

We then gladly walked out of the school hand in hand.

(Sorry the chapter was short)

(A/n they love eachother. now it's summer and things are going to get crazy. Maybe Idk. )

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