Chapter 8

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(Charlie's POV)

I woke up with a smile on my face. Even though my alarm clock was blaring at me.

I was still happy, because I am Matthew Espinosa's girlfriend! And I really like him. I just hope he really isn't a player anymore and trying to get in my pants. I hope he changed for real.

I open my blinds to let some light in. When I open them I see Matthew standing there taking off his shirt with his window open. I open my window.

A wait until he notices me. Then he does.

"Hey, beautiful!" He says in his morning voice. He probably just woke up. "Are you stalking me?"

"Ha, no!" I defend my self.

"Sure you aren't. I mean I wouldn't blame ya..." He smirked.

"I am not."

"Fine but you love to see this body, right?" He winks.

I don't say anything I just wink and walk away.

I dressed into some high wasted short, back crop top with a flannel over it. I out on my combat boots and head to my bath room. I brush my teeth and do my make up.

I go over to my window to shut it and Matt is at his desk. He looks over and sees me.

"Stalking me again?" He smirks.

This time I just go with it. "Yes, I am stalking you!"

He winks. "You ready for school?"

"Ya" I answer.

"Meet me outside!"

I nod and close my window.

I head down stairs and nothing sounds good for breakfast so I just skip it, like I always do.

I lock my door and walk out side.

Matts there waiting for me.

"Hey baby!" He says kissing the top of my head.

'Baby' I like it!


We walk to school hand and hand.

Once we walk in everyone is staring at us.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" I asked Matt.

"Probably because we are a smoking hot couple." He paused "or because I actually have a girlfriend. "

"I think that's it." I say referring to the second part.

When we were walking to our lockers people would try to hit on Matthew right in front of me. But he kept on trying to get away from them. That's showing me he really does like me.

We see our 'gang' witch is kat,Morgan,Noah,and Jacob so not much of a gang but what ever.

"So you guys official?" Asked kat.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'.

"That's cute!!" Jacob screams in a girly voice.

"Matt, you really settling for one girl?" Noah asks.

"Yep, I really like this one." Matts says making me blush.

"Ok but take good care of him." Noah says to me, fake crying.

I just laugh. "Ok."

We talk for like five minutes and then head to 1st period. We all have 1st period together too. So that's awesome!

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