Chapter 4

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(Charlie's POV)

It's Monday! Yay! (Note of sarcasm)

I head to the bathroom and brush my teeth. I put on foundation, eyeliner, and mascara. I go back to my room and put on high wasted shorts and a crop top sweatshirt that has '1985' on it I slip on some high white converse and ran down stairs.

I grabbed my backpack and ran out the door. I went to Kats house and knocked on her door.

"Hey" she says opening it the door.

"Hi" I say while walking in.

"We can head out just let me grab my stuff."

"Ok" I reply.

We started walking to school, when we heard some laughing behind us.

We both turned around to see Matthew and his 'friends'. I rolled my eyes.

"Great" I said while sighing.

Kat just laughed.

"Hey baby!" Matthew said while coming up behind me and holding my waist.

"I am not your baby!" I ripped my waists from his grip.

"Not yet!" He says with his cute little smirk.

Wait did I just say he was cute. No. I didn't! Well now that I think of it he is kinda cute. Hmmm!

We walked in school, still having Matt trailing behind us. When the witch of the west came..

"Hello, Charlie!" She says in her high voice.

"Hi, George Washington!"

"That's not my name." She spit back.

"Close enough though."

"I will ruin you life!"

"Well you haven't yet."

And that's when it happened. She hit me! She freaking hit me! Not that it hurt that bad.

"Woah, Georgia what's you problem?" Matt asked separating us.

"Why do you care. Awe does someone actually have a real crush."

"Georgia! Go away!" Matt yells while hold me in his hands.

She walks away with her 'posse'.

"Are you okay, Charlie." Matts asked.

" I am fine Matt. Why do you care isn't not like were friends." I say while stepping back.

He seemed defended like I hurt him at what I just said. I mean I didn't think we were friends. He's just a tool trying to use me, that's all, right?

"Uh... Right!"

"Matt! I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't know you thought me as a friend I thought you thought I was just another girl to use."

"Well at first I was just going to use you. But your different so I wanted to actually get to know you." He said trying to hiding his blush.

"Awe matty you could have just asked to be my friend. We live right next to eachother."

"Dont call me matty! Am not a baby." He whispered yelled.

I just started laughing.

"Well friend wanna walk to class."

"Sure!" He says with a huge grin on his face witch made me smile of corse.

(A/n ok so these past four chapter have probably been going by fast but now the story is beginning so it will have more details and stuff in the next chapters. The chapter will have more detail and be long. So get ready!)

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