Chapter 10

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(Charlie's POV)

We walked out of school and into his car. He started driving. Then I realized something... I don't know where we are going.

"Matt where are we going?" I asked.

He smirked at me. Which made me really scared.

Like I know we just made out but I don't want to take it any farther. I want to wait until I am married.

If ya what I mean.

I am afraid that he is not going to like that, then dump me.

We stopped at a red light and he started to text on his phone. I don't know who but someone.

"Tell me when it's green" he spoke up still typing on his phone.

"It's green." I spoke moments after he said that.

He smiled while we started driving again.

"Matt.... Where are we going!" I wined.

"To the store." He paused. "My mom needs me to pick up soemthing. Is that ok with you?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded.

(Matts POV)

I really want to do something for Charlie. I have never liked a girl so much in my life before.

It's also the last day of school too, which is pretty exciting. There's a party tonight but I know she's not a big party person like me and my boys are.

I know Noah, Jacob, Morgan and kat are going but I don't know if Charlie wants to go. I will ask her though.

But before the party I want to do something sweet. I was plaining on going out but I thought of something that she would enjoy more.

When we left the school, school was almost over so Noah and Jacob are out of class by now.

When I stopped at the red light I texted Jacob.

To 😏This Dirt Bag😏:

Hey I am plaining something for Charlie can you and Noah do something for me?

From 😏This Dirt Bag😏:

Ya sure. What are we doing?

To 😏This Dirt Bag😏:

Okay. Head to my house and pull out a plastic bag out of the fridge. It is food!. DONT EAT IT! 🔪 Then go in my room and on my bed is an other bag it has a bunch of stuff in it. Then go to the tree house in Charlie's back yard and set everything up. DO WHAT THE PAPER SAYS IN THE BAG! Okay?! Thanks bro. And text me when you start and finish. Love ya😘

From 😏This Dirt Bag😏:

Umm.. Okay. I will bring kat and Morgan with us. So we don't mess anything up. I got you! 😘

I rolled my eyes at the text. Then Charlie said the light was green.

She kept on asking me where we were going so I lied and said my mom wanted me to pick something up from the store. Which was true. My mom wanted me to. But it wasn't like I was going to do it.

We arrived at the store and I got a text from Jacob saying that they started.

(Charlie's POV)

We got to the store and Matt got another text, man he's famous today.

We were at Walmart, and it was good that I didn't have money because if I didn't I would have bought Walmarts whole food section.

What I am saying is, that I am hungry.

Bad Boy Love | Matthew Espinosa FanficWhere stories live. Discover now