Chapter 5

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(Charlie's POV)

We walk into class. I sit down at my regular sit and I thought Matt was going to sit with me but he didn't, he sat with his friends. They don't even do anything together just hit on girls and make fun of freshman's. I don't get it, you guys were also freshman's before too, why make fun of them!

"Ok, class" mrs Tyler dragged out. "We are going to be doing a projected." Everyone groaned. "And I will be picking you parents." Everyone groaned even more and louder.

She gave us all a stern look.

"Ok I going to call of your names." She paused. "Kim and Shelby, Jake and susie, Georgia and Matt" You could see the joy on Georgia's face, but it soon faded away. ".... Matt Bell, Jimmy and..."

We have two matts in our class. "...bobby, Charlie and Matthew Espinosa, and last, Noah and mike."

Wait did she just say Charlie and Matt Espinosa. Noooo! I know we might have just said we were friends like 30 minutes ago but after him being nice he was just mean again. Uhhhh! This projected is not going to be fun!

The whole class was Mrs Tyler explaining what we were going to do for the projected. Then it was off to my next class.

• skip to lunch •

I sat down next to Morgan and Kat.

"Hey I didn't see you this morning" I said while eating my food.

"Ya, I had a doctors appointment. I skipped half of school." Morgan said very excited.

"So has anything happened to you today?" Kat nudged me.

"Uh... Well Matt and I have to work on a projected together."

They both "oooooo'ed".

"No not, 'oooooo' 'ewwwww'!"

"I thought you and Matt were friends. Like didn't that happen this morning." Kat asked.

"Ya but that's when he was being nice but after that he was...."

"The bad boy in school" they both said at the same time.

"Uh.. Ya."

"He's not going to change!" Said Morgan.

"Well what if he can!" I shot back.

They both shook there heads.

• after school •

I was walking home with Kat. We came to her house and said our 'byes' then I came to my house. I was about to walk in when there was someone screaming my name telling me to wait.

It was Matt he was running out of his house yelling my name telling me to wait.

"Yes, Matt." I said once he was close enough.

"What-what-what are we doing for our projected" he asked out of breath.

"Matt you didn't run that far. We literally live like a few feet away." I laughed

He just glared. It made me uncomfortable for some reason.

"..uh.. I don't know."

"Well, we should work on it.... Today!" He said.

"Uh ya sure."

"Do you want to come to my place or me to come here." He asked.

"Uh.. Meet in in my backyard."

"Ok.. Just give me a few minutes." He started walking back.

I walked in my house and got out all my home work. I thought we could also do homework and the projected. I got some snacks and my I home and went out back. I decided we would do it in the tree house because that's were I always do my work.

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