Chapter 13 | final chapter

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(Charlie's POV)

It's been two days sense I saw them kissing. I went out once. When I went out I saw Morgan. She straight up told me that she never liked me and was just trying to get Matt. That hurt! My best friend or so I thought best friend, said she never liked me.

After that I have been in my bed. Jacob has been dying with me. He has been at my house for two days straight. We just lay there, sometimes we will talk sometimes not. Kat has been here for us. Getting us food and making sure were still alive.

I told Jacob what Morgan said about him and he just lost it, he thought she really liked him.

We were siting in silents when Jacob started talking to me.

"I just can't believe my best friend would do that to me!"

"You heard Morgan, she kissed him." I sat up.

It was silent. No one talked.

"Then why are you not with him?" He asked.

He has had a good point! Why am I not with him.

"Uh I don't know he hasn't tried to get me back." I said sadly. "And what if he liked it and kissed back?"

"How do you know you don't have your phone? And what if he didn't like it" He stated.

He was right. "Help me find my phone?" I asked.

We searched for my phone and we soon found it. I had 21 missed calls and 52 missed messages. They were all from Matt.

I sighed.

He probably thinks a hate him. Well I was pretty mad at him. Two days has been long enough I want my matty back. I am so stupid!

Me and Jacob heard a pounding at the door.

We both jumped.

"Must be Kat." Jacob said.

Me and Jacob went down stairs. I open the door and it was Matt.

"She kissed me I didn't kiss her. I love you, not her!" He said Instantly.

"Shut up!" I said kissing him.

We pulled apart "I am sorry. I tried calling you and texting you and you wouldn't answer so this was the next best thing."

"I forgive you." I say. He kissed me again.

He pulled away from me and went to Jacob. "I am sorry dude."

"I know...... I know." Jacob says going in to hug him.


*5 years later*

Kat and Noah are still together. Happily in love. Matt and Charlie are also happily in love. Jacob had found a lucky lady named Bella.

Morgan is in jail because she got accused of murder.

Matt is also thinking about proposal to Charlie. And She obviously will say yes.


Yes this chapter sucked I am Aware but I am writing an amazing story it's going to be perfect. Follow me so you know when it's out. It's a Nash Grier one called "love in my sight | Nash Grier fanfic" it's going to be amazing and longer then this story too.

THIS STORY IS CRAP compared to my next one. But really this story sucks but I already started writing it so I had to finish.

I am sorry... ✌️

Uhhh it really does suck.

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