Chapter 11

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(A/n Do you guys like my story? Do you feel like it's moving to fast? Just wondering. But please message me or leave in the comment what you think.)

(Charlie's POV)

Matt left awhile ago, well I mean he's only two feet away but you know.

The girls were at my house and the guys were at matts house. We were all getting ready for the party.

I wore a pinkish lace flowy crop top with not to light but not to dark green shorts. And to make to outfit perfect I wore lace white flats.

I was going for nice but not dressy, and definitely not what I wore last time. Never will I ever wear something like that again. I don't want to draw attention to me this time.

The girls wore there little dresses. I kinda felt like I should wear what they are wearing but it's just to dressy for a party. A high school party not even a nice party.

The guys probably aren't even going to change which they really don't have to.

We do are makeup and hair and head down stairs. The girls went over to matts house while I shut off the lights, locked everything up and made sure I had everything. My parents should be home in 30 minutes to an hour. But just incase never know what might happen with them.

I walk in the matts house and kat, Morgan, Jacob and Noah are sitting talking. Once I closed the door Matt walked down stairs.

He looked my way and smiled

"You look beautiful Miss Winter"

"Right back at ya, Mr Espinosa" I smirked.

"I look, beautiful?" He questioned.

"Yep!" I said popping the 'p'.

He smiled and came over to me and have me a giant bear hug. We stayed like that for awhile just because.

We heard some coughing so we stopped and looked.

It was Noah. "Are we ready to go or what!" He said way to excited.

Everyone said 'ya' and we went to the car. We are taking Jacobs car and his car was big enough for all of us.

We got to the party and Matt said he would try his best to stay with me.

Ya right!

The music was blaring way to loud. I couldn't even here myself think.

The party was the craziest party ever. There was so much alcohol and so many different types of it. There was people that you could tell we taking drugs and people with drugs. People were smoking weed and all sorts of different things. I saw people spiking drinks which made me definitely not drink anything.

Matt went over to his guy friends while I stayed over in kitchen, there were like no people in here and no drinks it was weird. But Matt said he would keep a look in my direction.

I was still over there for about 5 minutes thinking about my own thoughts when someone came up to me.

He was short and fragile. He had curl brown hair. He was adorable, in my opinion. He looks like a little nerd. Wonder how he got invited here?

"Hey I am Fred!" He said to me.

Oh wow his name is Fred too.

"Hi I am Charlie." I said extending my hand.

"Charlie, isn't that a boy name?" He asked laughing.

"Like Fred is any better"

We both laughed.

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