Chapter 12

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I am almost to 100 reads!!!


(Charlie's POV)

It has been four days sense the party. Me and Matthew have been partying it up at my house.. Not really.

Today me and Matt invited our 'gang' over. I have a pool so we were going to go swimming.

They all came and we were in the kitchen trying to figure out what to eat for lunch.

"You have nothingggg!" Matt hit the fridge repeatedly.

"Well don't take it out on the fridge." I laughed. "I haven't bought food yet."

"Well go get some" Noah through a banana at me.

I laughed "How about we go in the pool for a little and then I will go get food." Everyone nodded.

Everyone went to the pool and I went upstairs to change.

*knock knock*

"Yess..." I said confused.

"Hurry up." It was Matt.

"I am changing." I said throwing my cloths I took off at the door.

"Ooo let me in!" Matt said not hesitating.

"You would like that wouldn't you." I mumble. But apparently Matt heard.

"Yes I would."

I opened the door in my black top and orange bottoms. It was a bikini, if your wondering.

Matt mouth dropped. "This works." He smirked pulling me in and kissing me.

It lasted ten seconds until Morgan came upstairs. "Are you guys done?" She ask smiling slightly. She didn't look to sure. But to sure about what is the question.

Matt smiled at me and grabbed my hand. We walked down stairs and out side.

We have been out back for 30 minutes now.

Morgan and Jacob were sucking face at the end of the pool.

"Wow Jacob you must be really hungry." I laughed.

"Actually I am! Because you have no food! So I have to eat my girlfriends face!" He faked cried.

Everyone laughed.

"Fine I will go get something." I laughed. "Any one want to come."

Kat and Noah said they would so we went inside to figure what to eat. We decided on subway when Jacob walked in.

"Oh I thought you guys left."

"Nope we decided on subway, what kind of sub do you want." I asked.

"Oh what ever Morgan wants, I guess. I Will ask her." He stared walking to the door. And i followed him because i was going to ask matt what he wanted. "I just told Matt and her I was going 'poop' you know how long that takes me. They faces were priceless." He laughed.

I made a discussed face and turned away.

Jacob and I opened the door and there I saw the worst thing I could ever see the love of MY life and MY best friend were kissing in MY pool.

I put my hand over my mouth and I couldn't do anything. Shock took over my body. The only thing I could do at the moment was look at Jacob he was staring at them. His mouth was opened, he had angry and sadness in his eyes

I probably looked the same.

They realized that they being watched and stopped kissing finally. They turned head with shock. Morgan just looked shocked, Matthew looked sorry with worrying in his eyes, and also shock.

"Charlie, charlie, Charlie!" Matt climbed up from the pool. He stared grabbing my hand.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed. It came out high pitched sense I was crying at the moment but I don't care.

"No its not what it looks like!" He said.

I am pretty sure thats all he says in life.

"It looks like you never loved me and you were always a player." I said quietly. "You never changed!" I screamed before going inside with Jacob.

I locked the door so Morgan and Matt couldn't get in. I might be mean but I hate them both.

(Matts POV)

Kat, Noah and Charlie went out to get food so it was me, Jacob and Morgan.

We were chilling for like five minutes then Jacob brought up how he takes for ever pooping and he has to go poop. I don't even know why?

It was me and Morgan and it was awkward. I never really liked Morgan I tried to hook with her once and she turned me down. And she's actually a b*tch if you ask me.

She moved over were I was. "What do you want to do?" She asked.

"Nothing. Just wait for Jacob to come back." I said trying to sound nice as possible.

It was fine but then she pushed her lips to mine. I freaked out. Once I came back to reality I pushed away. I pushed away and saw Jacob and Charlie there. Omg this is horrible.

Her eyes were no longer light up like they were five minutes ago they had angry and sadness in them,

"Charlie Charlie Charlie!" I yelled getting out of the pool.

"Don't touch me!" She screamed.

My heart fell. I really loved this girl.

"No! It's not what it looks like."

Oh boy have I said that line a dozen times. But this time I meant it.

"It looks like you never loved me and you were always a player." She said softly . "You never changed!" She yelled. she ran into her house with Jacob behind her she locked the door so we couldn't get in.

So this is what it feels like when your heart breaks, I can't imagine what she feels.

(Morgan POV)

Here's the thing I never liked Charlie.

Kat introduced me and told me to be nice. So I did. Then kat became really good friends with her and Kat thought I really liked her. But I didn't.

I was going to stop hanging out with both of them then I realized that her and Matt Espinosa were dating.

He hit on me once and I turned him down. It was the worst mistake I made I should of hooked up with him but I didn't I could be with him now but Charlie is. Erg I hate her!

Oh and my boyfriend he's only a good kisser. He's so damn stupid like who would date him. (A/n made me cry)

My plain was to get Matt alone then kiss him he will realize he's my soul mate then BOOM he leaves Charlie and I get him. Every ones happy.. Well expected Charlie and Jacob but whatever!

Everyone left and gave me an opportunity. Perfect!

I waited and waited brought up some covo. I couldn't wait anymore I pushed my lips to his. He didn't kiss bask he was shocked he pulled away and we saw Jacob and Charlie standing there.

(A/n This chapter sucked. Sorry! I had to do something. But ya)

Bye peeps! ✌️

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