Chapter 3

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(Charlie POV)


I hear my alarm clock go off.

"Uhhhhh" I groan as a put my face in my pillow.

I get up and head to the bathroom. I wash my face then brush my teeth. I put my contacts in and head back in my room. I through on a pair on skinny jeans and a flowy gray crop top that said 'don't go with the flow' and some sandals. I go back in the bathroom and put on some foundation, bronzer, eye liner and mascara. I put my hair up really fast, and when ever I do that it always comes out as a really good messy bun.

I grab my back pack and head down stairs. My mom and dad are not home of corse. We came here to work and get money, not spend time as a family. Charlie get that through your head. I was just waiting until I heard that amazing knock at my front door.


"Hey ready to go?" Kat asked while I opened the door.

"Ya" I say waking out and locking the door.

We were walking to school together because we both didn't have cars yet. We had our license just not cars. Plus I am not taking a nasty bus, haha no ways!

The school was practically apart of our neighborhood, so it was a five minute walk. Well two minutes but at our rate five.

We made to school and walked in. Everyone was doing there own thing and bla bla bla.

"So I will introduce you to my friend! It will be great she will love you!" Kat says jumping up and down. I just stared laughing at her excitement.

"Kat!" Someone yells behind us.

"Morgan" kat yells back.

They say there gets and hug.

"Morgan, this is Charlie, she is new here and she is also my next door neighbor."

"Hi!" She says holding out here hand.

"Hi." I say shaking her hand.

"Ok, first thing is first, we will all be besties." Kat says. Morgan and I just nob and laugh in agreement.

"Second thing, we will all see what classes we have together. And third thing we will show you who to hang out with and not to hangout with."

"Kat, I think I can make my own friends. Actually scratch that I don't want to make anymore friends. You guys are good enough." I say while giving kat a side hug.

"Fine. But if you get hurt from people fake being friends with you. Don't come to me!"

"I think I will be able to tell if there really being my friend or not." I reassured her.

"What ever!"

We checked what classes we had together and separated to our lockers.

I opened my locker and put all the stuff I didn't need yet. I closed my locker and figured better start looking for my class now before the bell rings and I get lost and then late. Not good for my first day!

When I was looking for my class I felt some stares. I mean. It would be weird if people didn't looking at me. I am that weird new girl. But I am ok with that actually.

I finally found my class for first period. MATH! Way to start my day. Horribly!

I was about to walk in when someone started talking to me.

"Who are you?" Ask some girl behind me. I turned around to see the school sl**, I am guessing.

Basically she had the word C A K E written on her forehead!

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