Hey You

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"Thank you, New York!" Katy belted out her last thank you of the night and ran along the front of the stage, turning around to head backstage. It was the popstar's second show in the city and with a few more to go, she never felt so exhilarated but exhausted during the whole tour. 

Playing in the city was always such an honor but Katy was on her world tour, with so much to accomplish and so much to prove to her audience.

"Great show, Kate," Tamra pat her back. She got a dozen more compliments and high fives before stumbling into her dressing room, a group of people from the tour team ready to strip her of her costume.

"I want In n' Ooouuuut!" she shouted, reminding everyone that instead of reviewing her performance, they should think about the utter lack of her favorite fast food joint in New York.

After quickly moving to her tour bus and freshening up for a well deserved rest, she read a text from her manager who was still inside the venue. Everyone apart of the tour were wrapping things up and finishing up, and Katy was advised not to turn on any bright lights on the bus to avoid attracting attention. 

Most groups of the concert goers thought she was either backstage or in a hotel, so she was grateful for everyone else handling the harassment instead of her– although she felt a little bad at the same time.


I can't believe I got one of the best seats at this concert. I can't believe how incredible her performance was. And most importantly, I can't believe I ditched my friends to go find her after the show.

It's been about a year since she invited me into her hotel room; invited me to stay with her. She left me with kisses, memories that anyone could dream of, and her gorgeous delicate necklace that I have on. Even jumping up and down in the pit singing the lyrics, it makes me feel even more amazing knowing I've been next to her. I've seen her raw beauty, I know her without the whole popstar persona. I've missed her so much and I miss what she would do to me; how happy and safe she made me. She wasn't just someone I can just be physical with, she was someone I could open up to. I could tell her anything. 

But what the hell am I doing now, where are my steps leading me? I disappeared from the group of people I was with and headed back out to the main lobby of the arena. Can't I try at least? What other chance will I get other than tonight? 

I find my way around the corner, half-deep past the entrance of the restrooms. From there it led me down a dark, billowy, sketchy looking hallway. 

The further down I walk, the more these fluorescent lights bleed in. The more voices I hear. I'm shaking. I'm gonna feel so stupid if she doesn't even remember me. I try and be quiet around the backstage area so no one notices my shape existing. But Tamra stomps her foot at me with a grin on her face, I saw this after I jumped and witnessed her behind my back. It makes me scream...

"Don't think I didn't see you the whole time, you little shit," Tamra laughs at me so I'm relieved that she was just messing with me. 

"Tamra I'm sorry– I should've never even came back here, I just really wanted to see if I can talk to her again–" I rush the words out of my mouth. Again, what made me so entitled to do trespass and really just pour hints of my soul out, just to find her? 

But oh, how my heart has ached for her. Longed for her.

"No, you're fine–it's fine, you're not in trouble. Actually, I think it's better if she sees someone she misses." Tamra smirks, enjoying my visceral reaction. I swear my legs went numb. Gladly.

"What? She's told you that she missed me?!" I yelped.

"When she got on that flight after leaving the hotel, she told me all about you. The following few weeks were pretty rough and stressful for her with the press and everything, so it was nice for her to have a little break before all the work. During those weeks, she told me she missed you. She said it again, maybe..a month ago." Tamra explained.

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