Chapter 1- Help Me, Please?

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Do you know how it feels to be in such a place that feels like it'll swallow you whole? A place where there's no one there for you but yourself? Well that's how I, Hirai Momo, feel at this point. I'm walking around on the sidewalks trying to find JYPU, the university I'm going to attend. I'm so, so nervous right now. I found a café across the street and went inside. Luckily, I found a girl wearing the JYPU Uniform. She kind of... looks like a bunny? I don't know, it's kind of cute... in a way.

"Umm, hello. I'm trying to find JYPU and I was hoping you could help me..." I think I awkwardly asked.

"Oh sure, no problem! Let me lead you there," the girl said, grabbing my hand. We walked out and she proceeded to lead me.

"So, what's your name?" She suddenly asked.

"O-oh, it's Momo. Hirai Momo," I answered. Did I stutter? Shoot, I hope I didn't!

"My name is Im Nayeon, nice to meet you!" She cheerfully said.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Momo..." I mentally facepalmed. Stupid Momo.

"Ah, I'm sorry. I already introduced myself.." She giggled a little. I felt my whole face turn red. Why am I so stupid?!

"Why'd you decided to join JYPU?" Nayeon suddenly asked.

"Well, I saw there was a major in dance so I wanted to come here."

"Is that so. I came here to sing. I absolutely love singing!"

"Really? I can't sing well at all. But I guess I don't need to since I have a passion for dancing, anyway."

"I'm sure you can sing well. It's possible that you're not letting your inner singing voice out, you know?" She smiled a bunny teeth smile.

I admit, it was cute but I'm not falling for her. I hope....

We finally arrived at JYPU and it's HUGE. It's way bigger than in the pictures. Well obviously it's gonna be bigger than a phone screen– it was a bigger school than I expected! I must've been staring for too long when I felt Nayeon shake me.

"Ahaha, sorry Nayeon-shi," I said, again, mentally facepalming.

"It's fine, anyway, shall we get you registered and get your uniform set-up?"

"Oh yeah, let's go." I didn't realize Nayeon was stilling holding my hand until she started walking again. I didn't want to seem rude so I let it be. We made it to the registration office and I got all my paper work, schedules and the uniform.

"Let's look at which dorm you got," Nayeon commanded. I got the paper out and we proceeded to head to the dorms.

"I never got to ask and since you know where everything is, are you an upperclassmen?" I asked Nayeon. She smiled and cheerfully said,"Yep! I'm a second year!"

She acts a lot younger than her age. Not that I don't either but, aish, never mind. We went to my dorm room and unlocked it. We stepped inside to see it lightly decorated. It looks really cozy and I was gonna be living here for the next four years. I hope it doesn't become chaotic.

"Well, I better head back right now. I'll see you around, Momo-ah," and she kissed my cheek and left.

I was left dumbfounded, standing at the doorway. I felt a tap behind my back and I turned around to see a tall girl with slightly shorter hair.

"Ahh, hello. I'm Hirai Momo." I introduced myself. I hope that wasn't too weird.

"Hey, I'm Yoo Jeongyeon! Nice to meet you," she extended her hand. I shook it and walked in. She's really cool... I walked in the hallway and saw two rooms.

"So, Jeongyeon-shi, which room should I take?" I asked. She pointed to the room on the left side of the hallway. I brought my luggage into the room and put my stuff away in the drawers. I heard the door open and close and I peeked out into the living room. I saw a shorter girl with longer hair this time. She looks like a baby, it's cute.

"Hey no jam bro!" Jeongyeon shouted.

"Yo, no jam bro!' She shouted back.

"Uhh, Chaeyoungie, go say hi to the newcomer," Jeongyeon said to the so called 'Chaeyoungie'.

I saw her peek around the corner and we made dead eye contact. She walked over and introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Son Chaeyoung. Just to let you know, please, please, please don't comment about my height... even though I may be 159 centimeters," she kind of... bragged in a way.

"158.9 centimeters!" Jeongyeon shouted.

She started to pout and she huffed. I found it cute though she's shorter than me still. Despite just meeting her, I patted her head. I don't know if it was just me but I think she made a little 'purr' noise. I think I'm hearing things but I don't know.

"I'm Hirai Momo, nice to meet you Chaeyoung-shi," I introduced.

"You don't need to use honorifics around me. Chaeyoung's cool."

"Me too! No need for honorifics!" Jeongyeon shouted from the living room.

"Alright then, Momo is fine by me, too."

"Also if you're wondering, I don't live here, too. I'm only visiting. I usually visit some of my friend's dorms."

"Thanks for notifying me, Chaeyoung." The both of us walked to the couch and sat next to Jeongyeon, watching the t.v.

College life is gonna be fun.

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